The past year has for the Swedish state Games have been largely characterized by the preparations for the new spellagen. The large conversion cost the company a total of sek 186 million. Along with declining revenues made it to the surplus to the state was lower than usual. A total of sek 4.5 billion.
– It is a couple of percentage points down. In particular, it is within the kasinodelen we are losing revenue. The Casino Cosmopol and Vegas, ” says Svenska Spel’s new ceo Patrik Hofbauer.
in all, to a greater extent from the physical deals of the Swedish Games has to online. Patrik Hofbauer think that will continue so in the future, but he then hopes to be able to catch them up in their own internet casino.
– It is a natural movement. But until the end of the year, it is only the foreign companies who received the offer online casino. We have not received permission to do it until now, ” he says.
I agree that it has been advertising has been too aggressive, but then it is difficult to define what is moderate and not so far.
The new spellagen has been in force since 1 January of this year and involves many major changes. One of them is tightening the requirements on the much-discussed and criticized spelreklamen.
that his own companies have a cautious stance on the reklamfronten. Less impressed is he by the competitors, which he believes have been too aggressive.
” a Lot of what I see I don’t like. I think you should be more restrained in their message. We try to be it, but then says not that we are flawless but we are at least trying, ” he says.
And it is not only he who is critical of the spelreklamen. Interior minister Ardalan Shekarabi joined in a previous interview with the DN out and warned the bookmakers for the tougher if they do not take the requirement of moderate advertising seriously.
is the minister still not satisfied with how the marketing looks. Therefore, he called on Tuesday, all of the companies with Swedish license to a meeting at the ministry of finance, talks about the advertising is on the agenda. In connection with it, he warns, once again, sharper measures against those who do not comply.
Even the Swedish Game is called. Patrik Hofbauer to be established at the ministry of finance on 14 February, but more than that, he has not been told.
“We don’t know what we will talk about in addition to the related to the advertising,” he says.
the Swedish Game is, according to the figures they received from the christian democrats, the third largest reklamköparen in the gaming market. Company Cherry that, in 2018, bought advertising for sek 1.4 billion tops the list. After them will Kindered, which owns, among other things, Unibet and Maria Casino with a button billion.
added 570 million last year. In terms of their size think Patrik Hofbauer that it is a figure that shows the on their restraint.
He believes the gaming industry needs help and guidance on marketing to change. Anything they can get after the mood of Ninja Casino as soon is decided in the patent and market court.
“I agree that there have been advertising has been too aggressive, but then it is difficult to define what is moderate and not so far,” says Patrik Hofbauer.
only the responsibility to define måttfullheten on the authorities. The industry also has a responsibility and where he thinks that the game industry’s national Association, Or, can play an important role.
” We need to agree on the rules of the game in which we take responsibility, without any need to regulate it for us. I have high hopes that we can get such a success in the Or and that we get as many member companies as possible, ” says Patrik Hofbauer.