Nick Hayek, is a man of clear words and the CEO of the Swatch Group, has also found in the current “Saturday review” of Radio SRF: “We should not allow ourselves to be blackmailed,” he said on the question of the negotiations with the EU. The framework agreement is for the EU to be more important than for Switzerland.
The large European market was always an Argument, but there are also other markets, says Hayek, in an Interview: “The United States, and China are big markets and you will love our products.”
“We don’t think to be on the defensive,”
But the only reason Europe is more an effort to Switzerland: “Switzerland is the perfect example of how the EU could work.” A federalist organization, pragmatic work contracts, no centralized leadership and no to little professional politicians are the Strengths. “Europe can learn from us,” says Hayek, and is even clearer: “Switzerland should offer the EU a framework agreement on how Europe should organize itself.” This should then take on the EU.
he had not expressed previously on the topic, explains the Swatch boss is relatively simple: “nobody consulted me.” He is a mix not active in the vote fight, he was not a politician. “I don’t want to define me about politics, but about pragmatic statements and good products.”
The attitude of Switzerland, it must be: “We make agreements with our partners. But blackmail, not Switzerland. We have to think defensively.”
The entire Interview with Nick Hayek, there is here to be listened. To the EU framework agreement of the CEO of the Swatch Group manifests itself shortly before Minute 12 and up to 18.
Created: 16.03.2019, 13:56 PM