Closed daycare centers, cuts in University clinics and Institutes – need to prepare the citizens. After an unsuccessful round of collective bargaining in the public service, there could be strikes.

Six percent more money, the unions are for the employees want to achieve in the public service. The employers have made no offer. Now, strikes could follow. The civil servants Union dbb wants to call for “decentralised actions”. So day-care centres could stay in the city-States soon closed, even in University clinics and Offices, there could be strikes.

To the Start of collective bargaining, ver.di chief Frank Bsirske a tough stance, the trade unions announced. The workers ‘ representatives are calling for six percent more content, but at least 200 euros per month. The negotiators from the countries, Berlin’s Finance Senator Matthias Kollatz (SPD), was, however, clear that the countries have to save.

so Far, the employers have submitted to a representative, not an offer.

“debt brake” consider

Kollatz said the “Handelsblatt”: “The payment run with the private sector, we will not be able to win.” The countries would have to convince the “qualitative characteristics”. The public service was better in the case of part-time work, Pay equity between women and men, compatibility of family and work and in the home office.

in Spite of the currently high tax revenue are the distribution of spaces is limited. Berlin, for example, seats up to 58 billion euros of debt, the countries as a whole, there were 572 billion euros. And by 2020 the debt-to-applied brake in the countries. “We need to take into account.”

in negotiations around 3.3 million people are affected, is Negotiating for a Million employees in the countries of Hesse, the results of separate negotiations. In addition, the statements should be transferred to some 2.3 million civil servants and pensioners.

so Far, four more bargaining dates are scheduled. To 6. and 7. February and on 28. February and 1. March to take place.

start of collective bargaining in the public service
daily show 16:00, 21.01.2019, Ole Hilgert, RBB

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