electricity for private households in Germany has never been as expensive as these days. In the nationwide average cost of a kilowatt-hour of electricity currently 29,42 Cent, according to the comparison, and mediation portal Verivox in Heidelberg. Also, the Portal Check24 from Munich reported a record average price of Electricity, which had increased in March for the seventh month in a row.

In the first three months of this year have increased, according to Verivox, about two-thirds of the 826, utilities prices by an average of around 5 percent. For a Three-person household with an annual consumption of 4000 kilowatt-hours cost of around 60 euros in the year. For April and may, another 62 utilities price have announced increases.

Also in the Gas consumers have to dig deeper in the pocket. The average price of gas for private households has climbed to the highest level in three years. For 20,000 kilowatt-hours, a pattern budget of three to four people had to pay according to Check24 in March 1263 Euro. A similar Verivox-bill comes to 1220 Euro. Thus, the price of gas had risen within half a year to almost ten percent. A similar rapid price there had been a rise recently in 2008.

The price increase in electricity and Gas also affects the inflation rate. Overall, consumer prices in March were up 1.3 per cent on the level of the previous month. Household energy and motor fuels more expensive, according to preliminary Figures of the Federal Statistical office, in the same period by 4.2 percent.

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A the end of the prize round is not for the time being in sight. “This increase will also continue in the coming months”, expected Valerian bird of Verivox for the development of electricity. Also, Check24, the basic supply “first of all, a further increase in electricity prices”. Also in the Gas consumers should not expect price cuts on a broad Front, it was said at Check24.

consumers get to feel the power with delay in the past year, higher procurement prices of the suppliers. According to Figures of the Federal network Agency, the wholesale price of electricity was on average over the past year to around 30 per cent above the average price for 2017.

In the past few months has slowed down the increase in the current stock market, however, and was below the maximum values in the autumn of 2018. “Since the peak in October 2018, the price has dropped at the Leipzig electricity exchange for delivery in the year 2020 to about 10 percent,” said Fabian Huneke from the Berlin-based consulting firm Energy Brainpool. Even more have given in to the cost for coal and Gas. You fell in the same period, even as much as 20 percent. Also, after the warm Winter in Germany this time of year, unusually well-filled gas storage price had a dampening effect.

The wholesale price of electricity has been involved in this development but only in part. “This is also due to the high price level of CO2-certificates from over 20 euros per Tonne,” said Huneke. Electricity producers need to have such pollution rights, whose prices had increased in the past year.

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rise striking” The raw material costs make up only about 18 percent of the total electricity price. Almost 55 percent in taxes and charges, subsidies for green energy. Almost another quarter is for the cost of the electricity networks due. The price for the household electricity, the decline in wholesale prices, according to the assessment of Huneke, therefore, has no impact. “The declines are too small,” said the expert. (dpa)