The Student, Mark Zuckerberg should be Facebook until three years later, as Jennifer Newstead in Washington, their first politically sensitive job. You should make in the order of President George W. Bush to the Congress credible, that the new Patriot Act of the Constitution. The government’s Telecom and Internet companies, could force to release customer data without the need for the courts to go. The terrorist attacks of 2001 gave the government special powers of attorney, Newstead argued, and it was very successful.

The law came through with an overwhelming majority; in the Senate there was only one vote against. “She was a convincing advocate,” recalled later, her supervisor John Yoo. “You learned fast. After 9/11, they accelerated in terms of terrorism in a few days from zero to sixty.”

But it is precisely this work as one of the Architects of the surveillance act, now make the choice in the management of Facebook is surprising, said Tim Wu, a Professor of law at Columbia University. He knows Newstead from their time as a legal Intern, Federal judge Stephen Breyer. Wu is concerned that Zuckerberg could now be used as a kind of collateral, in order to gain the Goodwill of the government Trump. “I am concerned that Facebook might cooperate with the government.”

mother cancer researcher, father was a professional officer

Whether or not the fear is justified or not is difficult to assess, since Newstead left behind in her long career in government and the private sector, only a few publicly-available documents. There are some E-Mails with the conservative Federal judge Brett Kavanaugh from their time together in a law firm. But they are of little significance.

Also, about her private life little is known. She is married and the mother of two children. Her mother, a cancer researcher, and her father was a professional officer. She grew up on a military base in New Jersey; and her PhD as a lawyer, she graduated from the elite University of Yale.

For the last Time, you joined the end of 2017, as you had to explain to the Senate why the government fought back, and decidedly against the Saudi Arabia-led Blockade of the Yemen. The monitoring of the 2002 law did not want to discuss in more detail. Eleven democratic senators, including presidential contender Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, and Elizabeth Warren – voted against her confirmation as the chief lawyer at the foreign Ministry. to Republicans

proximity, hierarchical Thinking

made today, The 49-year-old lawyer, has deep roots in the Republican Establishment and a staunch representative of an elitist’s way of thinking about the special powers of the President. This corresponds to the view of Trump and his two new Federal judges Brett Kavanaugh and Neil from gorsuch, contrary to the American Tradition of violence control and the equal role of the Parliament. On the question of whether the President of North Korea could attack, she said once, that a pre-emptive strike would be with his higher-level skills compatible.

For Facebook is likely to both fall into the weight; their proximity to the Republicans and their hierarchical Thinking. Officially, the name: “Newstead is an experienced Executive with a global perspective and experience,” writes CEO Sheryl Sandberg, “and it helps to fulfill our Mission.”

Just your last Position in the Ministry of foreign Affairs is likely to help Facebook, if, in the future, between the abuse of the platform by extremists and the protection of user data is to be weighed. This Dilemma has recently been visible again, as the Sri Lankan government blocked access to Facebook to prevent false information after the Easter bombings, with more than 300 dead.

According to the findings of the US intelligence services, Facebook is also still in many elections as a disinformation channel abused. And for the elections of 2020, in the USA, the Russian agents prepare, therefore, a still perfidere campaign as 2016.

international arena

For the Fend off the first serious sanctions by the US trade Commission asked you is likely to come too late. This authority wants to punish Facebook with a fine of three to five billion dollars, because of Zuckerberg’s gift of customers had broken with the data, to the Republicans hired Cambridge Analytica an earlier agreement.

all The more sought after Newstead will be on the international stage. The EU, the UK and Australia have launched investigations against Facebook, which extend far beyond what the United States has done so far against the monopoly with the world’s 2700 million users. The best lawyers are those, she says, the “pragmatic solutions”. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 30.04.2019, 10:49 PM