You can request the 200 euro check for self-employed workers and those with low incomes from Friday. This is included in the Royal Decree-law approved recently by the Government to ease the economic consequences of war in Ukraine.
This aid of 200 euro will be provided by the Government in the amount of 540 million. The Executive estimates that it will benefit approximately 2.7 million people.
To receive aid payments, the application must be submitted electronically to the Electronic Office of the State Tax Administration Agency.
The Royal Decree states that applicants can request aid until September 30, and that the Tax Agency will be in a position to make the payments within the next three months. However, the Treasury says that they are trying to speed up the process. aid requires that certain information be available in contrast to what the Agency has requested from other entities.
The request can be rejected after three months from the expiration of the deadline for submitting the form and without making the payment. Against this presumed dismissal, an appeal for reversal and an economic-administrative claim may be filed, under the terms provided in Law 58/2003, of December 17, General Tax Law.
This aid is only available to those who live in households where the total income earned by their cohabitants is less that 14,000 euros in 2021. The assets of these households must not exceed 43,196.40 euro, excluding the habitual residence.
The joint calculation of income and assets will take into account all people who live at the same address as the beneficiary as of January 1, 2022. This includes those who are married or have an analogous marital relationship at least two years before or by kinship up to the third degree. Also, any persons with whom any one of these lives under guardianship for adoption or permanent foster care>>.
Beneficiaries must be legally and effectively resident in Spain at the date of entry-into force of the royal decree law, June 27, and they must have had it continuous and uninterruptedly for the least of the preceding year.
This aid is not available to those who are already receiving the Minimum Vital Income, pensions from the Special Social Security Regimes and the General Regime or the State Passive Class Regime or receive pensions from either the General Regime or the special Social Security Regimes.
These groups are covered by the Royal Decree-law, which already envisages specific measures, such as the extension to the 15% increase in Minimum Vital Income, or non-contributory retirement pensions. This would mean annual increases of more 200 euros. The Government ensures that contributory pensions are increased in line with inflation in order to protect purchasing power.
According to the Ministry of Finance, the reason for publishing the form at the end of week is to allow applicants who have not yet registered in the Clave system or do not have an electronic certificate a prior margin so they can complete the simple Clave registration online, via video or phone, without having to travel or visit the Agency’s offices. You only need to provide the DNI and mobile number to register in Clave.
Brochures and explanation videos will contain all the information necessary to complete this process, as well as the 200 euro aid. These documents will be available on the Agency’s Website.
A specific block of frequently-asked questions about the aid are available online. All of this information will be supplemented by informative posters at the customer service desks of all the offices in the territory.