The signs of inequality and precariousness that has hit the Spanish labour market go beyond. The salary of the group is more privileged, who charges more than 10 times the minimum wage per year, has increased more than the rest of groups. And that’s even with the economic recovery the average wage declared climbed in 2017 at the most in a decade, until the 19.172 euros per year, 1.8% more than the previous year. The statistics of the Tax Agency on labour Market and pensions in tax sources, whose corresponding data to 2017 were released on Wednesday, also provides the data of the average pension declared: 14.174 euros per year, 3.2% more than the previous year.

it Is true, that pensions grow more in percentage terms than the wages because they are more low than this, but they have also grown much more than the wages of the least paid, those who declared a wage below the minimum wage. And that even those who over charge, over 10 times the minimum wage, have seen improved their wages to something less than the pensioners.

The figures, collected through the income tax (income TAX) of companies, workers and Administrations, show that the past year had 6.301.753 people who were paid less than minimum wage, which last year was 9.907, euros a year. The greater number of taxpayers below the SMI in a decade, although it is explainable because it is also the largest number of employees from 2009. In this group are wage earners and those who, in addition, received a benefit due to unemployment or retirement. These taxpayers have been charged less than the yearly minimum wage because they have had a part time contract or a possible of less than 12 months.

last year the previous Government of Mariano Rajoy agreed with the PSOE to an increase of Queenbet the minimum wage from 8% to reach 9.907,8 euros per year.

Although it is striking that in 2007, just before the outbreak of the financial crisis, the Spanish labour market had a million more employees than last year, but there was something more than a million fewer citizens entering an annual salary below the minimum wage.

Another distinctive feature that reveals the statistics of the Treasury department has to do with the evolution of the average income declared by the unemployed. In the past year fell to the lowest level since 2007, up to 2.968 euro per year. This can be explained by several reasons, among them because in 2012, cut the unemployment benefit and hardened access to subsidies for the long-term unemployed. This argument is compounded by the reduction in the number of unemployed by the economic recovery.

The men earn more

The other evidence that emerges from the statistical tax has to do with the disparity in wages between men and women. Men charge on average 25% more than women. You must take into account that women suffer more from part-time and work less hours. But, in addition, 81% of the highest salaries are for men.

The 76% of young people less than 25 years is paid less than the minimum annual salary. And 70% of the top earners have more than 46 years. Finally, the financial sector is where the average wages higher (41.446 euros per year) and personal services and leisure are lower (10.594 euros).