In exactly one hundred days before the elections was Green never popular in our country. We could today go to the polls to pull, it would be Green, 15.6 percent of the votes to gain and even the second party in Flanders, after N-VA that light loses but signed off the largest. Also zusterpartij Ecolo is on the rise: in Wallonia, they are the third party, in Brussels, even the first. This is evident from the Large Survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of The Latest News, VTM Nieuws, RTL TVI and Le Soir.

Green with the growing attention to the climate change debate and the spijbelende young people every Thursday on the street, clearly the wind in the sails. The party was in the previous elections of 2014, the fifth-largest party, but would score almost double, and goes from 8.6 to 15.6 percent. The party of president Meyrem Almaci is sticking with that sp.a, Open Vld and CD&V is over (although the difference with the latter two parties is still within the margin of error). N-VA remains the biggest party with 27.4 percent, but loses five percentage points compared to 2014.

The poll was conducted between 5 and 11 February, just after the resignation of the Flemish minister of Nature and Agriculture Joke Schauvliege (CD&V). Nevertheless, it seems that dismissal of the democrats few votes to have cost compared to the previous survey: CD&V remains relatively stable at 15 percent, still a loss of 3.6 percentage points compared to the previous elections.

Open Vld and sp.a are in loss in comparison with 2014. The liberals play three percentage points lost, the socialists are again at a record low of only 11 percent.

in Addition to Green seems to be especially Vlaams belang to be able to take advantage of the loss to the other parties. The party hops right after the pandoering of five years ago, and can score almost double: from 5.5% to 11.1 million. LABOUR fluctuates again around the new electoral threshold.

also Read: Popularity, Theo Francken receives blows

Ecolo teeming

Also in the capital, and on the other side of the language border are the greens in the elevator. In Brussels shoot Ecolo as a arrow up and it is even signed off the biggest party with just 20 percent. With the score of Green as well (both parties meet in Brussels together but are separately plumbed) beat the ecologisten in theory, at 22,6 percent.

PS and MR, which in 2014 is still a battle for the lead generated, now do the same but then for the second place: the socialists end up 15.9 per cent, the liberals 15.3. N-VA seems to be the only Flemish party in Brussels on themselves with a bit of luck a Kamerzetel could upload: the Flemish-nationalists, there are at 6.4 percent.

In Wallonie Ecolo (16,8%), the PS and the MR despite profit, however, still a step behind. The PS remains the largest with more than 24 percent, the MR dives again under the 20 percent. Ecolo seems to be there mainly to take advantage of the loss of the PTB, which decreases further towards the 10 percent, where cdH ends.