Five weeks after the dam break at a Brazilian iron ore mine in the Vale-in-chief and three other senior executives rooms “temporarily” in your Post. Investigators had encouraged the group to dismiss the four.

Five weeks after the devastating dam break in the case of a mining of the iron ore producers, Vale, in Brazil, the group met the chief and other senior executives. The CEO, Fabio Schvartsman have offered together with three other managers, to his “temporary resignation”, the company said. This was immediately accepted. The Prosecutor’s office and the Federal police had placed close to Vale on Friday to dismiss the four executives.

By the dam break in the ostbrasilianischen Brumadinho were at 25. January is probably more than 300 people have been killed. Mainly workers, but also residents, were buried under millions of tons of sewage sludge. The dam break is the worst industrial accident in the history of Brazil. The cause of the accident is yet unclear.

finally, the evidence that the Brazilian group knew of an increased risk began to increase. In addition, inspectors should have felt under pressure, the building is considered to be safe to be classified. The German TÜV Süd had examined the dam in August 2018 and measures to stabilise stimulated. Only four years ago, the collapse of a Vale-operated dam had caused a large environmental disaster in Brazil.

Chairman of the Board, Schvartsman asked the Board of Directors in a letter that was published in the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, to dismiss him “temporarily” from his Post. At the same time, he defended his actions. He was firmly convinced that his Action was absolutely reasonable and correct, and that he had complied with the safety standards in the company. The group should perform well once the head of the division base metals, Eduardo Bartolomeo for the time being.