Bonus malus is the new tax system for new vehicles. It was introduced on 1 July 2018 in order to steer towards more fuel-efficient vehicles and to vehicles that can run on fuels with low emissions. Rechargeable cars get up to 60,000 crowns in bonuses and secure energy for cars of 10,000 crowns.

But quite soon it turned out that a large proportion of the gasbilarna to be deprived of the right to a bonus when they efterkonverterats for gas. Only cars that have been adapted for gas already in production and approved for gas as a fuel, get the bonus. In Sweden it is common with efterkonvertering.

that even electrically powered vehicles, mainly light trucks, are likely to lose their bonus if they are built with different interiors and to be adapted with shelves, and the like. If the renovation requires inspection lose the vehicle to the original type-approval.

This is exactly what is about to happen with a 70s electric Nissan e-NV200 as the city of Stockholm commissioned. With a full bonus equivalent to 4.2 million.

” We discovered the problem since we built on a Renault Zoe, an electric car. We removed back seat and replaced it with a partition wall and shelves. It was setback, no bonus, ” says Johan Seuffert, fordonsansvarig and project manager at the environmental administration in Stockholm city.

– Now we see the same problem with a 50 light-electricity-trucks we ordered. The adjustments we make to the cars to suit our needs mean that they must be inspected for registration. And then lose vehicles its original type-approval – and thus the right to the bonus, ” he says.

” of course It is not reasonable, the cars are equally powered and climate-smart as before the rebuild. This must be purely an oversight when the ordinance was written. We have written to the transport agency and pointed out on this, ” he says.

three million in the case of no bonus.

– There is a lot of money that we had anticipated to get back as we now risk losing, ” says Johan Seuffert.

Although the automotive industry have committed themselves. In a jointly signed letter to the government and to the Swedish transport agency requires a Car Sweden, MRF, Motorbranschens association and the Carriers immediate changes.

”Overall, this has meant that many customers and resellers have purchased each vehicle sold in the belief that they would get the bonus. They are now deeply disappointed and have lost confidence in the bonus malus system. It allows the sale of bonusbilar likely to be slowed down.”

head on the Car, Sweden. He is very concerned about the effects in the long term.

– There will be several new models of electric powered light trucks. The market can grow quickly. In the last year was recorded approximately 700 vehicles. This year, the forecast is over 2,000 vehicles.

But the growth is threatened if the errors are not quickly corrected. The changes must also apply retrospectively from 1 July 2018 when the bonus malus came into force, ” says Anders Norén.

” There is nothing been aware when the regulation was conceived, but it must be a pure oversight, he says.

Jonny Geidne is investigators at the Swedish transport agency. He says that the government is aware of the problems.

” We have pointed out the effects and we have shown on a possible solution, we may extended the mandate to manage the specific reasons in the determination of the bonus. But this is not easy to handle, it can be new boundary problems.

Martin Larsson, senior administrator at the environment and energy, points to the shortcomings as noted in the letter included in the review shall be made by the bonus malus.

Cars that have been taken in traffic and converted to electricity or gas as a fuel, has never received super-green car premium and will not get any bonus.

however, we are going to look at is if the electric cars and secure energy for cars that have not been captured in the traffic, but who, for various reasons, received an individual approval, shall also be able to qualify for a klimatbonus, explains Martin Larsson.