Ex-sailor Sari Multala experience in 2011, the injury in France, which frightened badly his coach Fredrik Lasseniuksen.Sari Multala decided to a magnificent career in sailing in the London olympics in 2012. EPA / AOP

Sari Multala practicing Fredrik Lasseniuksen under the leadership of the world cup race the day before. The Swedish coach has made it very challenging track. The Laser radial class boat is a tough job to manage in windy conditions and tight turns.

the Boom hits the head.

Lassenius sees how Multala fell into the water.

– Usually sailors left in that situation towards the boat, but Sari remained in place and was holding his head with his hand. I knew right away that something is wrong, Lassenius tell.

Coach rushing Multalan create and raise him in his own boat. When Lassenius sees properly in protege I got the wound, he is terrified.

I Thought fucking hell, brain.

Lassenius supports Multalaa tight when he’s driving to the beach.

I was Afraid that the Sari lose consciousness and fell into the water. The trip was so short, I didn’t try even arrest hemorrhage. Against come I ran a couple of Swedish guys. They helped Sari to the clubhouse and called an ambulance.

– a Sari would have liked to go to pick up boat immediately after the accident, but I insisted that we go to the beach. However, I said nothing about how bad the wound looked.

Lassenius tell you that she soon found out the shore, that wound was so deep as at first seemed.

– I do some tricks in a stress situation. The wound was really big, but fortunately the skin was cut in just deep enough so that the skull is visible, the Swedish coach told reporters.

Because Sari did not lose the sense or couldn’t even get a bruise, I believe that only the boom of the metal part hit him with the scrape and cut the skin open. It was a lot of luck involved.

facial Expressions told fredrik Lassenius six years Sari Multalan as a coach. Pasi Liesimaa

his Career, including three world championship gold medals and two european championship gold-winning Sari Multala tell you that the challenging conditions it was good to do a workout the day before the race, because in race performance feel then easy.

He told reporters that the boom came in the head really hard.

I don’t know why I stayed in it too upright. Maybe it affected, when it was so much hard on the track and in challenging conditions. When you first but you turn, you turn and you turn, it’s boom will be hard. The boat crashed at the same time, when I flew into the water.

Multala said that he first understood that he had received a big wound on his head.

I actually felt pretty good, even if the blood came from. Fredrik look and then I saw that all may not be well.

– the Same thing was the beach. Another against the will of the swedes was always lungi guy, but at that time his face saw that apparently looks worse than it feels, Multala laugh.

pasta party sari Multala got it in her head ten stitches in 2011.

Multala got to the hospital as a friend the sailor Tuula Tenkanen the father, who spoke good French.

Eventually he emerged with a ten stitch.

– I Understand how it wound from fredrik at first seemed. It was a head, however, so open, that the skull appears. The face was hideous, when the blood ran so that one eye closed up, Finland Done for the occasion in December visited Multala tell.

– Nowadays part of keeping the helmet up in the boat class.

Multala recover however quickly the party into shape, as he participated in the already the same evening the traditional pasta party.

It was in France, the 20-year tradition of the finns and their coach rome. The race was between. I flew home the next day.

Today, the scar is not noticed the congressman’s forehead. It will be amazed also Lassenius, who recently visited Finland, the former protégé of the forties.

– yes, It really surprised me. The wound was so big. The doctor must do a really good job, Lassenius said.


Sari Multala tell you that the pace and dangerous situations is enough career anyway.

One of them was sailing gig belgian with a colleague in the Sydney bay, Australia.

Several of the port and cove after the duo ended up almost to the open sea until, when Multalan boat crashed and was left on its side.

– Usually it goes all the way around. Now the boat left to drift real fast. I was left there without a boat. It rained so much and had poor visibility. I tried my buddy’s boat, but it only filled with water.

the Bay is moving a lot of car ferries, which are about half of the Swedish ship of the size. Fortunately, the duo was at that time a little on the side over to push the ferry track.

When it was over, we very much waved. Then wondering were the kind of hours that what to do.

– Fortunately, then we coming towards the boat, which on the side read Baywatch. They then picked me up and took my boat. Yes they lifeguards very much wondered, that what we in the weather make the sea.

the olympic sailed with the rescue operation also reached the newspaper.

the Next day I read in the newspaper, also, that the neighboring bay shark had bitten a surfer boy in the leg.

– I Was so grateful that I got that information until after the fact. It was a scary experience, even though we don’t actual danger. Good thing I picked up was there.