the confederation of Swedish Enterprise vice ceo Peter Jeppsson proposes a new model for enhanced flexibility and security in the workplace.” This because of the state investigation – if a review of the Swedish labour law – which are now to be filled in the wake of the socialist högerkantring and concessions to the fackföreningsfientliga partners L and C.

It quickly shows that the confederation of Swedish Enterprise use words like ”new”, ”flexibility” and ”security” in an almost upside down way. When Jeppsson calls for the erosion of the protection of employment, compulsory unemployment insurance and transition to private employment agencies, it means a return to the ancient and absolute discretion, to circumscribed flexibility for more workers, and to a chronic insecurity that makes the Swedish labour market and worse and Sweden as a country poorer.

You should not have to sleep with the phone under her pillow in order not to miss a jobbchans. The Sms of the jobs are in 2010-century variant of the påhugg from the century. What we need instead is secure, permanent job and a salary to live on. Just on the contrary, the confederation of Swedish Enterprise suggestions with other words.

Jeppsson worry of skills shortages in the workforce. His answer is that in practice, as in the Las provides a protection against a total discretion. Our response is, instead, strengthened job security; this is at the side of a well-functioning education system is a crucial element of skills development. Insecure employees are those who do not become invested in.

next, consider the Left party to:

It has already been investigated thoroughly. It would not, in itself, make entry into the insurance easier. Many people who work visstider and split times have been difficult to qualify for reimbursement. A cashier needs to be done with a view to simplify the inträdesvillkoren.

the Proposal from the SN would get a state cash cow for the less scrupulous companies. The need for a job Placement, which, on the contrary, may tools, in collaboration with employers, the unemployed and other authorities to devise measures that combine education and work.

A reform they would benefit from is the raised ceiling in the unemployment fund. The Swedish unemployment insurance has been sharply eroded. Take the state a greater economic responsibility, also can the parties do their jobs better.

It is excellent to regulate this in more agreement. When the need for stronger trade union counterparts. Anti-labour laws need to be adjusted so that the trays can push these issues in the avtalsrörelser.

Peter Jeppsson is right in that it needed ”a clear political pressure for change” to modernise labour law. He has also provided clear paths to the back. However, rather than starting from the actual needs of the labour market and aim towards a productive and sustainable working life. Then must toil and slängjobben away and job security to be in focus.