the case of The Spanish entrepreneur Javier Pérez Dolset and his company Wisdom Entertainment, the main shareholder of the technology group Zed, against the Dutch bank ING will continue in the courts. This Wednesday the board and the firm have filed criminal charges against ING and 12 of its executives in the Netherlands and the united States. According to the Dutch law, once ING has been declared guilty, if the accuser asks to open the criminal process, should be carried out, by what they are expected to start the trial soon.Pérez Dolset has remained in negotiations with ING to reach an economic agreement, but they have not yielded, according to the businessman. Pérez Dolset has 32% of the capital, has joined more partners and represent 40% of the shares. The Bahis siteleri 27% is in the hands of various banks and the remaining 33% in the hands of the Russian partners in Vimpelcom.

Pérez Dolset claimed, last September, a compensation of 500 million. However, now, once claimed to have found documents of the own office Dutch that involve more ING because since 2012 I knew that the Russian partners were driving the illicit money and engaged in bribery, but not advised to the company. Zed continued to work with the signature Russian which caused serious problems to the whole group. For this reason, it has raised the request for compensation to $ 750 million.

Pérez Dolset accused, initially to ING you have not gotten to Zed Betticket in a contest of creditors to demand the return of a credit. According to Zed, he did so as retaliation for having reported that ING whitened capital with Russian partners. ING admitted to the Prosecutor’s office of the Netherlands, whitened capital and paid a fine of 775 million. and prescidió of its second executive, who was responsible.

Now there are added charges. According to the information of Zed, made public this Wednesday, November 21, the latest findings from the research have been made to harden the position. They claim to have found documents that prove that the Prosecutor is Dutch sent ING information clear and direct warnings of the irregular operations and the payment of bribes by Russian partners in Vimpelcom since 2012. “The date is especially relevant, because it implies that when, in 2013 ING, he advised and coordinated the operations of ZED+ (the Russian subsidiary), falsified the documentation on the source of the funds and the knowledge of the customer in front of all the shareholders of Zed and the rest of the banks that participated in the financing of the company.”

This new data opens the door to additional claims, which implies an intention with knowledge of cause in the actions that the bank urged to carry out later, causing a prejudice to the shareholders, as well as of the participating banks in the financing of Zed, among which are spain’s Santander, BBVA or Bankia, derived from the distortion of the reference information, says Zed.

on the other hand, “puts into question the evolution of the Competition of Zed, which took place by the execution of the loan from the own ING, as is claimed in the Netherlands as fraudulent, and where Wisdom Entertainment has requested in court the delivery of the rights that ING holds on the branches of Zed”. Among the executives charged, there are 4 Spanish managers of ING, 7 Dutch and 1 american, whose names are.