Leading European politicians in France and Italy accuse Germany to delay a common economic policy in the Eurozone. The Federal government and the Bundestag were to be little thought on how to help the countries of the EU, the structural disadvantages resulting from the introduction of the Euro, said the Italians Sandro Gozi, Chairman of the Europa-Union, the daily mirror.

The Eurozone need a common economic policy that reduces imbalances, structural reforms, favorable, and not only on strict compliance with the stability criteria of the monetary Union focus. Gorzi also demanded that Germany must do more to reduce its trade surplus and boost domestic demand.

yellow West to protest against the stagnation of purchasing power

Sabine Thillaye, Chairman of the Europe Committee of the French national Assembly, asked in an Interview with the daily mirror, also a “common European response” to the challenge to spread the Benefits of the Euro, equal to all the countries of the currency Union.

Thillaye and Gozi responded to a study by the centre for European policy (CEP) in Freiburg to the economic balance of 20 Euro for each of the States. They had shown that the common currency have made the average German is richer, the average of the French and the Italians, by contrast, poorer.

The question of the relative purchasing power – so what could afford to be a citizen in an EU country of its income – is Central, argues Thillaye. “The the yellow West-protests, and the discussion of the stagnating purchasing power of French workers.”

In France, there was a “dispute over the need for structural reforms, as in Germany,” and “distrust of a more flexible labour market”. The concern is that wages develop moderately, as in Germany, “is one of the reasons for the protests, not only in France. Here is a joint European Action would be a response to the increasing rise of the political extremes in the whole of Europe.”

National reforms alone are not able to apart stop the development

Gozi, calls by Germany and other Northern Euro countries, “policy approaches to help the weaker Euro-countries in the South”. He also criticizes his own country. “Italy has waited a long time for the structural reforms.” The current government in Rome “does not do what would be necessary.” Italy’s need for “lower taxes for businesses and the middle class”.

The Blockade of investment in infrastructure, for example, routes for high-speed trains, must. But “even if every country does its homework, as the long-time German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble has called for this again and again, remain imbalances in the Eurozone”. This is why Germany and France would have to be much more extensive reforms in the Euro area than is currently being discussed. “Germany slow to react.”

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balance after 20 years of Euro “The French mistrust structural reforms”

Christoph von Marschall

This behavior is unfair to Italy, said Gozi. “Italy has done and his contributions to the rescue of Greece, Spain and Portugal in the Euro crisis. Italy has been begging for a Euro from Brussels.” The Federal government should be major reforms to the Eurozone’s ready, “the trust of the EU partners in Germany to restore”.