“The first step toward harder law”
“the Proposal is seen as a historic step for the new house of representatives, since January controlled by democrats. It teaches, however, with great probability not go through the senate, where republicans have the majority.”
“Would the bill go through, it would clog the holes in the existing federal law, which vapenaffärer between individuals is allowed without checking if the buyer is a criminal behavior.”
“Several democratic congressmen praised the law and said that no stricter gun laws have gone through, when the republicans controlled the chamber. Susan Davis, member from California, said that the proposal is a small but significant first step.”
” today, we offer more than our thoughts and prayers, she said to the press, referring to the words of several republicans usually use at masskjutningar.”
“the Bill went through with the numbers 240-190, which means that even a small number of republicans voted for the law, which only gives the exception for gifts in the family or the loans at the lookout.”
“Republican Doug Collins is skeptical of the bill and said that it was stupid to believe that a law would make the united states safer.”
“– It would not have stopped a single masskjutning,” he said.”