– When the grandparents buy clothes for their grandchildren, they should be able to feel confident that the clothes do not contain harmful substances, ” says minister of finance Magdalena Andersson (S).

A special tax on harmful chemicals in clothes and shoes included in the program of 73 points januariöverenskommelsen between the governing parties and the Centre party and the Liberals is based on.

Since 1 July 2017, there is a special tax on harmful substances, flame retardants, in electronics. There is a similar tax that the government wants to impose on the clothes and shoes.

says that there are substances that should be banned.

– But most effective right now is to control via the tax, ” she says.

” this is very important, it is a public health problem. We want to introduce economic instruments in order to get away harmful chemicals in clothes and shoes, says financial markets Per Bolund (MP).

Who shall investigate how such a tax should be designed is not clear.

we’ll notify you as soon as we can, ” said Per Bolund.

An increasingly important part of our clothing is purchased through the the net and coming directly from abroad. How a special tax on harmful chemicals in clothes and shoes that are traded over the net should look like know the government is not yet.

” It gets the investigator to find out. Elektronikskatten has not led to a clear shift to direct trading through the network. I do not think that the risk is so great for the clothing industry, either, ” said Per Bolund.

of the products that we buy online from countries outside the EU, mainly in China. It says Karin Rumar, inspector at the Swedish chemicals agency.

– When it comes to things that we buy online from countries outside the EU there is no regulation. This flow of products is something that we are examining in a project.

She also says that there is more of a problem than the harmful chemicals in textiles.

– It is more important to have control on soft seats found in, for example toys.

In november, the EU decided-the commission to prohibit the 33 hazardous substances in including clothing and textile items. The new rules will apply from the 1 november 2020.

in a review of hazardous substances in several shoes and clothing that had been analysed in a projects. Six of the tested goods contained dangerous phthalates and in a träningshandske found banned substances, which can cause cancer. A total of surveyed 192 shoes and casual wear in the project.