The Ministry for the Ecological Transition has decided to settle any controversy over the future of nuclear power stations and an end to the uncertainty existing in the companies. Faced with the evidence that will be necessary to extend the useful life of the nuclear power plants while it does not cover the demand with renewable energies, the department that directs Teresa Ribera will determine the term of extension to carry out an orderly shutdown after listening to electric utilities own the power plants.

it Is the responsibility of the Executive to decide the country’s energy policy and the regulation provides an increase in ten-year of the useful life of the nuclear power plants with a general nature as may be required by and approved by the Board of Nuclear Energy. To make the enlargement, according to enterprise sources you consulted, you could modify the article 20 of the Regulation of Nuclear Facilities and Radioactive approved by Royal Decree 1836/1999, of 3 December. However, he admits that the Administration can give another term for more or less time if it is deemed necessary. So understand it in the Ministry for the Ecological Transition, which will determine the period of time in accordance with the interests of the transition.


The Supreme Court ratified the penalty to the power to close Garoña, without permission, A balance sheet of the closing nuclear

In that sense, the National Plan of Energy and Climate, which are being developed by the ministry will be closing date of the coal and condemn nuclear energy. But, while it seems clear that he will close the coal plants by 2030, nuclear will have a “path of closure” ordered that will go in line with the penetration of renewables. “The nuclear plants have a date of design of 40 years, but that there is that make it compatible with an orderly shutdown and with the capabilities that we have in Spain. You have to do it hand in hand with the Nuclear Safety Council and in accordance with the companies”, has recognized José Domínguez Abascal, secretary of State for Energy.


Source: own Elaboration with data from the Ministry of Energy Transition. THE COUNTRY

that Is to say, considers that the participation of the nuclear plants is necessary in the energy transition, which will continue its operation under a framework of remuneration stable that ensures a reasonable return. Further, you acknowledge that you will hear the pretensions of the power, that does not mean that the take. However, there will be to formalize a negotiation for “the orderly closure is compatible with the needs”.

The goal is that in 2050, 100% of the generation of energy should have a green source and that in 2030 around 70%. Therefore, it requires to intensify the installation of parks and renewable plants (wind, photovoltaic, biomass…). The stepping that your implementation requires to get to 2050, it leaves room for other sources of energy, and, primarily, nuclear and natural gas (combined cycle), which will make backup, especially when occurring peak demand. Today, these energy sources represent around 20% and between 5% and 10% quota, respectively.

The companies, to the greña

currently, there are seven nuclear units operating in Spain (Almaraz 1 and 2, Ascó 1 and 2, Cofrentes, Trillo and Valdellòs 2, ordered by its operation), its expiration date on between 2021 and 2028. The property, except in the cases of Ascó 1 and Cofrentes, is divided between them in Groupings of Economic Interest (see box). But given the fact that these companies are bad avenues and pose horizons are different with respect to their involvement in the management of the plants. In particular, while Iberdrola and Naturgy (formerly Gas Natural Fenosa) have been asked to renew the license for four years, Endesa wants to do it for 10 years and reach 50. The first test of fire will get it at Almaraz 1, where it should ask if you want to renew in 2019.

in Addition, the former public company, now controlled by the Italian state company Enel, has come to pose even exchange of assets and as well to stop sharing the property and, consequently, to end the controversy. Meanwhile, Iberdrola has been shown often enough in favour of close by appealing to the lack of profitability. Also, it has the opposite take on the dismantling, attributing it to the State, remembering, at the time, the high cost of closing a nuclear.

coal is sentenced and the natural gas shall backup

M. Á. N.

Nine of the 14 coal-fired power plants that are currently in operation in Spain will be closed before 2020, mainly because they have not hehco the investment required to comply with the requirements of the eu regulation on decarbonisation and desulphurisation.

The remaining five, they have been adapted, they will pass the rubicon; but your life expectancy will not exceed 2030, according to forecasts ministry. These are As Pontes (A Coruña) and Litoral (Almería), property of Endesa; Aboño and Soto, both in Asturias, which controls EDP Spain, and Los Barrios (Cádiz), whose owner is Viesgo (this asset is not sold to Repsol).

For its part, natural gas will continue, over the combined cycle, with the work of backing of the rest of the energy that you have in the current system, especially after the demise of the coal. However, you need to “reinvent themselves”, in the words of the secretary of State for Energy, José Domínguez Abascal, if you want to maintain that prominence collateral current beyond this phase of transition. That is to say, based on renewable gas, zero emissions. In any case, you will have an important role in sectors such as the transport of goods and in the sea.