For its first edition, post-pandemic expected next January, the Davos Forum, annual meeting of the political and economic elite in the world, could not remain in ” the world before “. With the art of the formula that characterizes it, its founder and still president, the German economist Klaus Schwab offers a “great reset “, in English, ” The Great Reset “. To launch this initiative, which wants to unite all the good will in the world, with its strong interpersonal skills, Pr Schwab was summoned Wednesday during a virtual conference the Prince Charles of England, the secretary general of the united Nations, Antonio Guterres, the executive director of the international monetary Fund Kristalina Georgieva, the specialist in the economics of climate Lord Stern, the owners of Mastercard and Microsoft and representatives of the younger generation.

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“To ensure our future and to thrive, we must evolve our economic model and place people and planet at the heart of value creation in the world, has declared the Prince of Wales, committed for decades to the preservation of the environment. If there is a key lesson from this crisis is that we need to put nature at the heart of our mode of operation. We simply cannot afford to lose more time “.

“This global pandemic has also shown once more how much we are interconnected, for his part, stressed Klaus Schwab. It is our duty to re-establish a functional system of global co-operation for smart, structured to meet the challenges of the next 50 years “. “The Covid-19 has accelerated our transition to the era of the fourth industrial revolution, has added the chief conductor of Davos, which claims the paternity of this term, several decades ago. We need to ensure that the new technologies in the digital world, physical and biological, remain man-centered and serve the society as a whole, offering everyone a fair access “. “We must not miss this window of opportunity “, he insists, supported in this by the secretary-general of the united nations and the boss of the IMF. To pass from the casting to the action, “we must mobilize all leaders,” urged the Prince Charles.

To this effect, Klaus Schwab announced that the Davos Forum of January 2021, the 51st edition of the event, would continue to host the great ones of this world in the alpine resort but would be part virtual. Some 10,000 people, including many representatives of the younger generation, and among them are “young leaders” of the world economic Forum, will participate for 400 cities around the world to engage heads of State and ceos, and infuse innovative ideas. “Our generation has grown up with the Internet,” said Victoria Alonso Perez, a young engineer in uruguay, the founder of the company Ieetech that geolocates the cattle, we are much more interconnected, but together we create the change, not just claim it ! “.

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The IMF chief questioned : what is ” the history of this crisis ? “A great back” or this “great reset” ? Remaining feet on the ground, Klaus Schwab had entered into this launch conference of the “process” of networking of good will, reminding them that they can’t “change your state of mind” or change the world if the economy does not remain strong and prosperous.

The editorial team conseilleNicolas Bouzou, economist : “We will have a country to straighten”36 commentairesDupond the joiele 03/06/2020 19:49

The Prince Charles, the man who talks to vegetables… no comment

I the farm pasle 03/06/2020 19:08

The world after? It could be when grandma ask us our opinion!

marioncobrettile 03/06/2020 19:04

The world “after”, with the same Davos forum, which exists since many years…this promises to be unemployed in.

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