of 0.4 per cent is grown in the Swiss economy in the third quarter of the current year. This is a very positive message seen. Based on the many signs of an emerging crisis, as they were debated in the last few months, the number is reassuring. After all, the growth is higher than in the second quarter, as the gross domestic product of Switzerland grew at 0.3 percent.

A closer look at the drivers of the recent development warns, however, for caution in the Interpretation. The growth is mainly due to the exports of the pharmaceutical industry, and a historical record of energy exports. Without these two effects, the Swiss economy would have stagnated in the third quarter. In other words, change the 0.4 percent growth in the third quarter, nothing in the overall picture in the significant weakening of the Swiss economic , which is in line with the other major regions in the world economy.

Domestic demand

with a limp today by the state Secretariat for economic Affairs (Seco) Figures provided are not, otherwise, only positive, Because, on average, domestic demand has developed in the third quarter: This relates to the consumer and the services. These are precisely those areas that apply to date and for the future as the decisive Support of the domestic economy. to want to

the most recent data to read a lot, but would be premature. Pay for quarter of growth, vary strongly and are often revised afterwards. For example, the investments of the company surprising significantly, have – you have developed so far, rather weak, it is also sufficient to declare a trend change.

restraint because of the U.S.-China relationship

As important reasons for the weakening of the Swiss economy and the Fears of a more severe crisis, especially the sluggish development in our key sales regions are called the trade war between the US and China that could extend to Europe.

The Numbers confirm only the image of a significant slowdown in the economy.

These reasons lead firms to withhold investments, and strengthen the decline of world trade. Affected by both goods in Switzerland and worldwide, especially to industrial companies that export. For the consumer mood in Germany which had consequences so far, hardly.

The latest Figures on the Swiss economy provide no reason to beat the existing in the Wind – but not for the expectation of a crisis. They confirm only the image of a significant slowdown in the economy. And they also show once more that the forecasts are not currently associated with a particularly high level of uncertainty.

Created: 28.11.2019, 14:51 PM