in Spite of Tinder and co., the workplace remains an important partner market. Every fourth German-Swiss had found, according to a representative survey conducted by the career network Xing once having an affair in the office, every seventh has been his great love. Spend a lot of time there, experiencing stressful situations, the welding welded together, and learn to know so well. However, the relationships can be for the company’s legally dicey.

US companies have therefore started to ban romantic relationships between bosses and employees. That had to feel Steve Easterbrook, had to yesterday to give up his Post as McDonald’s chief. He had violated the company regulations, in which he had entered into a relationship with an employee, the company said. Thus, he had proved a “poor judgment”. This is also when the affair was consensual. In an E-Mail to the employees of the Fast-Food group, Easterbrook described his behavior as “a mistake”. “Given the values of the company, I agree with the Board that for me it is time to move on.”

According to the Mc Donald’s in Switzerland, the regulations apply in this respect for all countries and companies. Amorous or sexual relationships between employees that have a position relationship, to avoid, or the relationship should otherwise be the supervisor reported, a spokeswoman. The goal of this regulation is to avoid conflicts between private and corporate interests.

Other companies handle this in a similar way. Easterbrook, therefore, is not the first company boss to lose his Job. In June 2018 Brian Krzanich, chief of the chip group Intel stumbled over a consensual affair with a staffer. Also in the case of Intel, an internal policy that prohibits the.

relationship prohibition inadmissible

In Switzerland, such a scheme for bosses or boss is likely to have a heavy Stand. According to labor lawyers, Roger Rudolph, Professor at the University of Zurich, give it to it up to now in Switzerland, as well as any case law or literature on love in the workplace. Also to be found in the law nothing about this issue. “Relationship prohibitions in contracts or Regulations are in accordance with Swiss labour law inadmissible, because they take too strong in the personality of the work intervention,” says Rudolph. In Germany, a court had supported this view.

An employer can take action if, for example, between the relationship partners in a relationship of dependence exists, and thus Rudolph. This includes the redistribution of Working , competences, or the transfer of a Person. This is to avoid the risk of a conflict of interest, so that private and corporate interests come in the way. A Manager might be tempted to prefer his Partner. But it can also come for the subordinates to difficult situations. This, if its successes internally, envy, arouse, and only with the relationship with the supervisor are explained.

Although many companies are familiar with the relevant regulations, do it yourself hard with such situations. Recently, the financial blog “Inside the parade took place,” known to the world, that Switzerland-the chief of the insurer Swiss Life is a relationship with a direct subordinate had entered. Although the woman was added later. But it seems that the relationship made internally is still of concern. “For us, it was clear that this Situation could not be a purely private matter”, a Swiss-Life spokeswoman. And further: “We very much regret that this matter has triggered rumors and heated discussions concerning the right to privacy.” This again shows how demanding is the handling of such constellations is. “We came together with all the Stakeholders in the interest of Swiss Life, to the conclusion that the partner of our Switzerland-the heads will continue to follow your career path now outside the company,” says a spokeswoman.

Delicate relationship not

reported Also in the case of Raiffeisen, it came in the past two situations, which raised questions. So, the former Raiffeisen CEO Pierin Vincenz and put his today separated from him living woman Nadja Ceregato as the Legal owner. The possible conflict of interest was criticized by the media and disbanded only when Vincenz as Raiffeisen-chief resigned.

Vincenz’ successor Patrik Gisel was hiding a relationship with the former Raiffeisen-Board Member Laurence de la Serna. She had as Administrator, having a control function about Gisel and would have had to occur in to Decide on Gisels’s whereabouts at the top or wage issues in the walkout. Only through media reports, the relationship was at the end of last year to the public. De la Serna was at that time already in the Board of Directors of Raiffeisen. Gisel had been criticized before for its role in the Era of Vincenz. However, the secret relationship is put his Leadership to an end. He drew the consequences and resigned from his Post as Raiffeisen-chief.

Created: 04.11.2019, 14:19 PM