Kalle Palander said that things could have been done in a different way to the world championship after.Kalle Palander recalls video the incredible world championship.

It häppeningiä was like hell. I just did what I was told, Kalle Palander tell me 20 years ago in the gold medal heat.

Valmentajaisä Jouni Palander saw immediately that the now out of control.

the gold medalist got Audi’s use.

– And gruesome world champion stickers on the side. Well, I’m rather ashamed to pull them on like I was proud of it – flashy yellow car yet.

300 000 francs-gold tasted Kalle Palanderille. IL-ARCHIVE

Palander got rossignoli from the world cup as a bonus of 300 000 French francs, or about 50 000 euros.

I Realized, that hey! I went to the next race and see how much prize money is. I began to see that here can win this much – the correct method to go to play sports, Palander fuck themselves.

as Soon as the world championship after Palander crashed out in the world cup Ofterswangissa. The world cup finals in Sierra Nevada, the same thing happened.

– I do the sport just the money for two years, and all go along the fuck, Palander smirk.

– When a new rise began, the money did not have any role anymore, although come Kitzin prize money and all. Kitzin in I think it was 70 tons of prize money, minus taxes, but I’m not interested in it one bit, Palander said.

tax refugee

Palander does not believe the championship rose to the head. They didn’t recognize him in Helsinki. The finns did not follow alpine skiing passion.

called palander’s manager. The world champion moved to Monaco.

– the Time for humility had to be there. No one knew me any. It was a good getaway.

Palander told Rosberg who raised him. England grabbed slowly.

it Was really embarrassing interviews with the world cup in, after all, headed to the top.

Monaco resident Finnish alpine skiers is not loved in Finland. Shit hit the fan.

– it was Accepted that the car athletes lives there. Alpine skiing somehow was equated terrain skiers, the Finnish national hero, Palander said.

I could Not understand at all, that I turned my jacket and I left there paying tax. I was a day made in Finland, work that stage. Why would I live here? My job was in Central Europe.

Korpeaa hard, when the eyes hit the definition mona cola sat Kalle Palander.

I’m so in lapland, and the Finnish spirit and the blood. All saw only its tax refugee new.

Kalle Palander was wrong to play sports for money and realized his mistake. ILKKA LAITINEN