The president proposes Löfven as prime minister
today, the president shall, Andreas Norlén put forward the proposal that Stefan Löfven (S) should be prime minister to the riksdag. All the evidence is that even this proposal will be voted down.
At a press briefing at 8.30 and in connection with the proposal presented to the parliament at 9 o’clock, there will also be communicated with the parties, Stefan Löfven intends to form a government.
the Proposal to the prime minister and government will be postponed in the chamber and the vote is taken first on Friday. And all the evidence is that Stefan Löfven will be voted down after the Centre on Monday announced that attempts to blocköverskridande cooperation between S, C and L failed.
But adds in other words, once again an industrialized, which it knows will be voted down.
– There is a logic in it, for the president to push the process forward. He has given the mission to the Leaves to try and find a regeringsformation and it has not worked. The logic of this process looks like so that the closer to a fourth and absolutely key vote, the sharper becomes the situation, said Tommy Möller, professor in political science at Stockholm university, to the TT on Tuesday.