Is religion a good basis for good research and science? This is claimed by seven researchers on this page (DN-debate 11/2). Among other things, they write that the scientific community should ”take advantage of the religion’s unique ability to legitimize and anchor the search of knowledge and to establish an ethical framework that commits to the truthfulness and intellectual probity.”

the Problem is that it does not present a shred of evidence for his thesis, as a researcher you are. The now right so extensive research on what religious activity will result in when it comes to the utövandes ability to ethical conduct provides: a completely opposite picture. If we compare the countries one finds that where religion plays a big role in people’s lives where you corruption also much more extensive, and the trust between people greatly reduced.

A review of the extensive experimental research on the relationship between religiosity and moral/ethical/solidarity actions that were made a few years ago showed that you could not find any robust empirical evidence to support such a connection.

Research also shows that children who grow up in religious homes are more likely to be less tolerant and less prone to the joint and several cooperation than children who grow up in secular families. In the united states show religious people have a greater predisposition to harboring racist views than non-religious. In experiments with students where they have to choose to be truthful or lie exhibits the religious students a greater tendency to use a lie to benefit themselves.

A review of the extensive experimental research on the relationship between religiosity and moral/ethical/solidarity actions that were made a few years ago showed that you could not find any robust empirical evidence to support such a connection.

The seven scientists who claim that religion is a good aid for scientific research breaks thus themselves, in his article, against two of the requirements of what shall count as good science. First, it provides no evidence for his claim and, second, they choose to ignore the extensive research that shows that their line of thinking does not have any support. You can say that their article is thus, in itself, is a good evidence that they do not seem to conduct good research and they seem to lack the ”intellectual probity” that they claim that through their worship is in possession of.