“Screaming in the gap soon back in Blekinge”

“A screaming head of a man in the monster’s big gap – soon return of the fearsome figurehead to Blekinge.”

“In three years, it has received specialist treatment in Copenhagen in order to be able to start his new life in the country without collapsing.”

“– It has been challenging to work with, for it has such a special expression. It is so skulpturell, ” says Kristiane Strætkvern, conservator at the national museum in Copenhagen.”

“the Figure sat in the bow of the Danish king’s ship Gribshunden, as the year 1495 exploded, burned and sank outside Ronneby, in Blekinge.”

“In Ronneby, sweden now planned for a new museum around the spectacular vrakfyndet, but until it is clear will the figurehead to have to wait in Blekinge museums magasin, which is sometimes held open to the public.”

“It has been a long process to get the fragile träfiguren in condition. When it was salvaged, 2015 from nine metres deep and saw it to be in good shape, but had it just been that dry had it collapsed.”

“– When the wood is broken down under water in an oxygen-free environment so the cells ‘ internal eaten by micro-organisms and are replaced with water. When you find it it is quite well preserved, but when you look at the internal parts of the cells, they are very broken, ” says Kristiane Strætkvern.”

“First, was summoned specialists who put needles in träfiguren to determine exactly how deep into the wood was nerbrutet. Based on this information, it was possible to assess how long it would be in the konserveringsbad and what concentration it would be of the preservative.”

“It was two and a half years in bath. Then followed half a year of freeze-dried, then the figure was put in a vacuum tank with a temperature of minus 25 degrees.”

“Soon shall Kristiane Strætkvern be separated from, the figurehead. It feels a little strange, but at the same time good, for the most important thing is that a lot of people in the future will get to see it, she thinks.”

“Monsterhuvudet is not only scary, but also a little sweet.”

“– When you look closely at it, it has the cutest little ears.”

“She also appreciates the Danish-Swedish cooperation.”

“– It’s fun, because it has a Danish history. This is a common cultural heritage.”

“Marcus Sandekjer, länsmuseichef in Blekinge, want to take on the international importance of the discovery of the Gribshunden. The wreck is the most well-preserved example of the shipbuilding technology that enabled the large upptäcktsresorna at the end of the middle ages, and similar vessels were used, for example, of Vasco da Gama.”

“International cooperation”

“Around the vrakfyndet in Blekinge collaborating researchers from Sweden, Denmark, the united kingdom and the united states. Permission has been sought for new dives, which we hope to do at the end of the summer. So far, only about a square meter of surface examined, the hope is to be able to dig out and salvage finds from the additional twelve square feet.

“– Because it was the Danish king’s flagship, which would sail to Kalmar and he would negotiate to become the Swedish king, so one can assume that he wanted to impress. He had things that befitted a king. But whatever it is, we don’t know, ” says Marcus Sandekjer.”

“Museiplanerna is not completely nailed, but to begin with, funding the Ronneby municipality, a project office with staff to arrange for financing. Marcus Sandekjer see the return of the figurehead from Copenhagen as a starting point.”

“– It will mark a new starting point to get to a new, internationally viable museum in Ronneby.”

“the Name Gribshunden comes from the words grip and the dog. Örlogsskeppet was built in Europe, likely Holland, in the 1480s and wrecked outside Ronneby in 1495.”

“the Ship, which belonged to the Danish king, Hans, was on his way to Kalmar for the negotiation of I of denmark, but then it was at anchor outside of Ronneby, a fire broke out.”

“the Wreck, at nine meters deep, has been known since the 1970s, but only in 2013 it was determined that it was just Gribshunden.”

“in the Summer of 2015 was the ship’s figurehead in the country. It has been examined and preserved at the national museum in Copenhagen.”

“Before the figure leaves Copenhagen, it will in a few days to be shown to the public. On June 4 held a ceremony at the museum before it is brought back to the county of Blekinge.”

“the Greater part of the ship remains on the seabed. It is too hopfallet and damaged to salvage, in their entirety, but the hope is to be able to dig out and salvage items from there, which will then be displayed in the museum that is planned in Ronneby, sweden.”

“Source: Blekinge museum”