” It doesn’t look good at all. We’ll reach the goal of 70 percent reduction of emissions until 2030, it is necessary that we increase the pace and get the political instruments needed. Our role as the expert agency is to show what actions that give the best effect.
– part of the policy instruments we submitted the dossier, together with other authorities, is the bonus malus and reduktionsplikten, which was implemented at the end of last year.
” We have a clear role in the planning of the transport system, together with the municipalities and trade and industry get a more transporteffektivt society.
– By statsmiljöavtalet we can allocate a total of one billion dollars per year in grants to municipalities to reduce car traffic. One of the good examples is Östersund, where it now rolls electric buses. Contributions should go to the just such as electric vehicles, better pedestrian and cycle routes and more collective solutions.
We are active in research and development. Elvägen in Gävle, sweden, is an example. Where we are expanding with a couple of pilots. Then we ask the climate requirements in our procurements. The digitisation of the transport system provides great opportunities for, inter alia, more efficient traffic flow and safer traffic.
” We see the need for much stronger policy instruments in three areas: Vehicles must become more energy efficient. The propellants must be greener, and preferably completely fossil-free. Society must be planned for efficient transport. The best transport is, of course, that never needs to be carried out from a climate point of view and which leads and supports the transport agency 80 authorities with travel-free meetings within the state, Remm.
– Again: it’s all about the fuel, and society. When it comes to bonus malus, we can already see a drastic impact on the registrations of electric cars in the last year. However, we did not see the same effect on the malusbilarna, the height of the tax. There may be reasons to screw on design.
– In Sweden, we allow the 74-ton trucks on the major parts of the state road network. It gives lower emissions. But we see that it is also where the necessary instruments in order to move goods from truck to rail and ship.
– The development does not look good at all, even if new cars become more fuel economical. They are still not fossil-fuel-free. It is actually a pretty scary increase. Since 2012 has bensinbilarna more than doubled. In the last year, it was 187.497 pieces. Here is a sharper policy instruments.
– the transport department has ongoing contact with the fuel sector. In the short term, we are not concerned that there will be a lack of HVO100. It has been a higher price on the HVO100 depends more on that there are few suppliers in the market for HVO100 and taken the opportunity to raise the price in connection with the reduktionsplikten was introduced, but no shortage, we have not received any indications. How it looks a few years ahead is difficult to say anything about that, it depends on the development in Europe in terms of production capacity and demand. For the Swedish part, we know not yet how reduktionsplikten will look like after 2020.
– It requires various instruments. The policy must make those decisions nationally, regionally and locally. It is easier in the big city, but in rural areas is other conditions.
– the Car will be very important also in the future, especially for people in sparsely populated areas, but there must be more electric vehicles and more fossil-free fuels in more energy efficient vehicles.
– the ability to run electric vehicles just gets better and better. Last year, we mapped out laddinfrastrukturen the whole of Sweden. It turned out that we have surprisingly few white spots. The goal is that a maximum of five miles between charging stations on the state road network. We are soon there. In the big cities built out commercially, we identify areas where it is not commercially viable. We have submitted a plan to the Ministry of industry, which received well.
– We are currently in the process of ordering a new car, it becomes an electric model.