It is in many respects noteworthy that Christine Lagarde will take over on Friday, the leadership of the European Central Bank. She is the first woman to head an Institution that was dominated in its 20-year history, always by men. Also there’s never been: The future of the ECB Boss is a lawyer. With the academic shallows of the monetary policy is, at best, rudimentary familiar; and with the mathematics, as she openly admits, don’t have that much on the hat.

The fashion magazine Elle gave Lagarde a humorous Interview, in which she reported, as she leans back in endless meetings in your chair, your back straight through focused contraction of your gluteal muscle trained. This sort of almost intimate information, like maybe parts of politicians with the Public. Of Central bankers that, as a rule, objectively, to cerebral, didn’t know it yet.

But Lagarde, 63, is understood less as a Central banker, more than a Manager that takes care of the big picture. If there is a property that Lagarde is often attributed, so, that is their ability to attract people and to forge compromises with which all the life. The successful tell her thanks to her warm and engaging art. In conversations, you signal to her that she takes him seriously, people who have worked with her. In addition, you will be prepared in the case very well.

Mario Draghi is handing over to his successor, Christine Lagarde, symbolically, the leadership of the ECB. Photo: Reuters/Paolo Giandotti

These skills could help Lagarde, to solve the big problems of the European Central Bank. Her predecessor, Mario Draghi, has driven a wedge in the highest management body, the governing Council, because he decided before his Amtsende in September, against great resistance, a continuation of the loose monetary policy. The loudest critics of the seats in the country, where the ECB has its seat in Germany. Savers, bankers, and academics complain that the zero interest rate policy and bond purchases for years.

Lagarde’s task should be, therefore, to reconcile the German with the European Central Bank. You may be curious as to how you will do it, after all, she is already taking English lessons. New territory the French entering at the ECB-to-peak with the desire of political issues.

“women as heads of it, if the situation is very serious,”

So Lagarde is fighting for decades for the equality of women. Often she tells you how she led after her studies in Paris in 1979, a job interview in a law firm. There they told her she could start, to the very top, you would create it, but never – because she was a woman. Lagarde then went to Chicago, to the law firm Baker&McKenzie. There, she took over in 1999, the leadership of the first woman. Later, from 2007 to 2011, served as the first Finance and Economics Minister in France.

Christine Lagarde made a mistake when they approved a multi-million dollar compensation for the entrepreneur Bernard Tapie. A special court sentenced therefore to 2016 due to negligence. However, the mother of two adult sons was allowed to remain at the top of the International monetary Fund.

In her tenure at the IMF, between 2011 and 2019, they sharpened in the negotiations for the rescue of the Euro Zone and its international profile. She began her day at five in the morning with a Cup of tea. By six o’clock on sports, then the work with long nights, followed. How you do it all? Discipline, she responds. No alcohol, no cigarettes, you will be eating a vegetarian diet and not moving much. In her youth, Lagarde, a native Parisian, was a successful synchronized swimmer.

women, as Christine Lagarde likes to say, likely as the chiefs ran when the situation was very serious. You’d have to bring the Chaos of the men in order. Lagarde is expected to soon learn whether it is so bad to the ECB.

Created: 01.11.2019, 11:27 PM