(On): – You get a lot of free when it comes to salmon. You do not need barns, lighting, heating, and waste disposal. In addition, you can utilize cubic meters and not square meters. Salmon swims in height, while the lamb need large surfaces with kvadratmetere, ” says Elin Sandnes, which is a partner in McKinsey, to Mallorca.

2.838 billion

Havøkonomien is estimated to grow to 3.000 billion dollars, equivalent to 25.800 billion, up to 2030. The largest industries in the havøkonomien is the offshore, oil and gas, shipping, cruise and tourism. According to Sandnes will aquaculture and fish farming grow from 4 to 11 per cent, at the same time as havøkonomien doubles.

– That is to say a doubling of the havøkonomien from 2010 to 2030. Of this constituted fish farming and aquaculture around 4 per cent of the havøkonomien of 1,500 billion dollars. In 2030 will fish farming and aquaculture grow to 11 per cent, which corresponds to the values of 2.838 billion, ” says Sandnes to the newspaper.

– We believe that the latent demand may be as much as 60 percent higher than the current level for five years. The salmon industry has been able to release latent demand and open new markets. Especially growth in lakseretter on chinese restaurants and simple salmon products in Europe and the united STATES will take up the demand.

Stable, using varying salmon prices

For the salmon, there are several factors that limit the production and volume, and thus maintained the price, writes the newspaper.

– We expect an annual growth of 4 per cent, but the demand can withstand an annual increase of up to 8 percent without that it historically has had a great impact on the price.

Sandnes believe according to the newspaper lice and disease in many ways has served the industry, and contributed to higher prices and margins.

– the Price today is over twice as high as in 2002. High demand and lower volume due to sea lice and disease provides higher kilopris. The salmon price is 50 percent higher than the price of beef, and 300 per cent higher than the price for the chicken.

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