TV more than 12,000 Flemings wanted to love on the current season of ‘The Mole’ to participate, but nobody wants to, of course, the first sent home. So I had that in the first real episode of ‘The Mole’ happen, and for the third consecutive year, and killed a woman at the start of the series. After a student of L. O. Jessica in 2017, and psychologist Kelly last year, had hr-consultant and widow Liesbeth leave the game before it’s even really started. In the previous editions was that each time the beginning of more calamity for the ladies. Wait and see if that now also. Also read ‘The Mole’-candidate Liesbeth (41) lost four years ago her husband: “We really did think that he was the cancer overcome had”
After the unusual start last Sunday, in which the mol only during the first day of the game was referred to and there is no one after the first episode should go home, ‘The Mole 2019 ” now, in his old, familiar fold cases. With all the well-known and well-known ingredients such as: games in which the candidates in groups are divided, so that they do not have all of the Mol to the work, or commands with sub-commands and sub-sub-commands, so that the viewer hardly can explain how it all fits together. And of course there are also the insidious makers, that there is a lot of fun in to the viewer as much as possible on the wrong track. Nothing is what it seems so, here in Vietnam.
Gilles De Coster kept his word and pulled up in the middle of the night to the newly designated Mol to debrief. Much more than that of the Mole with a dash of everything to make soap could help, ” were we not to hear. See something was there, of course, not at all.
Few pennies
Two big trials in this first real molslag , but a lot of money fell, not to earn. The in-situ preparation of ‘cha ca’, a local visgerechtje, seemed to be already in advance, an impossible task. Because there is a lot of information had to be passed, because blokkentorens had to be built with chopsticks, and because the Mole might be in between another hit.
Or the Moles of a lot of information about the second trial and that he could sabotage, is unclear. Also, because that test also was complex. The weaker team had to run faster than the strong team, but that last team was fast enough to walk to earn money. Also in the tussenproeven allowed to ‘strengthen’ the not do better than the ‘weak’. How and where the Mole didn’t sabotage, was completely unclear.
Very clearly was that in the first eliminatieronde another wife if the first should go home. That was previous years is no different. Liesbeth was indicated that the Mole wanted to be, the real Mole on the trail, they could not.
we found This on the ten candidates: Kaat (22), a student of kine
Come in the kookproef not really a good communication with Bas. Suspects him, or he her? the
Sitting, as a kine student, quite logically, in the ‘strong’ group.
Eva (28), a lawyer
Moddert but what to during the kookproef, but maneuvers so that they, together with Liesbeth as penultimate duo can cook. Running the thing properly in the puree. the
in the weak group on the run course. the
Indicates that they are without lenses really nothing or no one can recognize. As blind as a mole, but…
Elisabet (33), spoedarts
a Mess there but at the los during the build of the blokkentorens, although with ‘chopsticks’. A spoedarts should you more calm and peace to expect.
Put the wrong jar of dipping sauce on the plate. the
Wants her info to sell for 10 euro. “Because I’m still never win,” she says. The mole, of course, can never win…
Ingrid (46), distributor shutters
Hate to walk and walk and sit so naturally in the ‘weak’ loopgroep. There is actually not really on. the
In the kookproef makes them, together with Bruno, a pot of, due to the tampering of duo Kaat & Bass.
Darryl (23), facility assistant
Sets a very good, logical question to pilot Axel and test whether he is really a pilot (‘this is your captain speaking’).
Play focused. Keeps Axel a little in the holes. Later for the ‘strong’ group.
Joeri (32), team leader
Go no-nonsensgewijs for the geldpot. Who is standing against him, get with him.
Bass (32), headhunter
Fierce player. Is immediately a candidate for the kookproef. So can all the other duo’s study while they cook.
Axel (40), pilot
open and expose that he is a pilot. Is so totally not suspicious. the
is willing to hire in the ‘weak’ team. to
Play the game smart and efficiently.
Bruno (54), business manager of
at the second trial in the weak group, but does determine the pace with a march-pass song. Forces the group to be faster to walk.
KILLED: Liesbeth (41), hr-consultant 1. What do you genekt?
I have already a lot of thought about it. Crazy, because I’ve always known that I – if I were the mole, would not be – as one of the first, the game would have to leave. I think it has to do with the nonchalance with which I things start. Despite my heavy backpack (She lost four years ago her husband, ed.) I’m still to make through life. The mol is, however, a game where you can’t be ill-advised to start. It requires tactics, deception, and quite a lot of preparation
On day one it was me all that much more with the game than I was. Observing and listening to my nine new friends was not a problem. Deceive and manipulate, I managed to do, however not. Well I can lie, but with someone to play head does not belong to my abilities.
The night before the elimination, I have some ashes of my husband Ilya scattered. I knew it was my last night and got this too strongly against any of my other candidates said. After completing the test that I too much on gut instinct and too little rational have completed – typically – I’ve immediately against the camera crew said that I my ‘death sentence’ had been signed’.
2. How annoying it is to be the first game to leave?
poop ! I am particularly concerned about the reaction of my sons. They are so proud of me because I participate in one of their programmes. I hope the disappointment is not too large and that my bungeesprong can make amends.
3. What have you overestimated?
Nothing… Like I said earlier I work in the little preparatory thought.
4. What have you underestimated?
How much some of my other candidates were busy with the game. Willfully others on the wrong track, manipulate… But that is, of course, the intent of ‘The Mole’, and some of my other candidates played it wonderful. I am not a suspicious person, but after four days distrusted me everyone, while I have everybody liked. That feels very unnatural and did what my head. I have after my exit a month almost every night dreamed about ‘The Mole’, and now the program is started, it happens again.”
5. What was the best moment?
I would like to say my bungeesprong, but I was too sick afterwards to make it my most beautiful moment to be able to call.
6. Why did you actually participated?
Because I like my borders expand and the adventure looking for, and because my husband Ilya used to be already alluded to. Also my two sons Mats and Luwe saw already 2 years long, in the ears of my head for me to write.
7. Why did you want to the Mole?
We’re not going to lie: as a mole you can be sure of a ticket until the end… It gives according to me any pride as a mole to be selected.”
8. Got you in the selection after the bungeesprong the message that ‘You might be the Mole’?
What’s on my screen, that I keep for me until the last episode (laughs).
9. Who is going to win the game and why?
I guess on a man. Because they play the game different to play and I think just slightly better observe. But I don’t want to generalise, eh.
10. Who do you think is the mole?
I really have no idea. However have suspicions, but no concrete evidence. I have nine people left behind in Vietnam which according to me all are capable of. I am together with you is very curious.