For nearly two weeks, it seemed almost a promise forgotten. Because as of the 2nd of June last, the date of reopening, partial or complete, of the restaurants, vouchers restaurants would have had to be déplafonnés. Finally, this was not the case and it will therefore be necessary to wait until this Friday, June 12, for the promise is implemented. Indeed, as announced this morning with Bruno Le Maire to the micro de LCI, “it is a very concrete help that we are going to apply today”.

read also : Déconfinement: the restorers in a hurry to reopen normally

Thus, it is now possible to pay up to 38 euros in a restaurant, and not over 19 euros, with its tickets-restaurants card or tickets-restaurants. Payments on weekends and holidays will also be accepted until the end of the year. “While providing comfort and ease of use significant to 4.4 million workers will be able to use their titles in more flexible ways (…), (this) will be a powerful tool in the recovery of the activity of the restorers,” hopes the ministry of Economy.