In the United Kingdom is British Airways the “fuel tank ring” has been transferred. In this practice, aircraft will be filled at an airport with more fuel than necessary, so that at the destination for the return trip less refueled must be. Thus, British Airways has launched in the last year, 18’000 tons of CO2 more than would have been needed, as the BBC has revealed.

Normally, the pilots let their machines with a pre-calculated amount of kerosene to recharge. This is made up of a percentage for the track, a stock for unforeseen detours and a further Reserve to an alternate airport control. A Software calculates this minimum automatically.

Additional fuel is taken if delays are likely, and the aircraft must wait on the ground at the Start or in the air for longer on the landing. In addition, the captain can be charged on the basis of his experience or special circumstances, an extra amount to the calculated Total.

cheap airlines try to fill up as little kerosene as possible, because more fuel means more weight and thus more fuel consumption and more costs. Theoretically, the plane should arrive so with as little residual kerosene as possible to the target. In practice, this corresponds to the “Final Reserve Fuel”, the stockpile that would last for 30 minutes.

290 million Swiss francs per year

the kerosene at the destination but Is much more expensive than it was at the point of departure, it may be worthwhile for airlines to exceed the calculated amount of fuel, and to refuel the wings full to the brim. 16.5 per cent of flights within Europe must not be refuelled for the return flight, even downstream, as shown in a study by Eurocontrol shows.

Already if the price differs at the other airport by 10 percent, can save an Airline per route, around 100 Euro, such as Eurocontrol, the Organisation for the coordination of air traffic control, of which Switzerland is a member, has calculated. A flight of around 1100 kilometres with a price difference of 30% up to 500 Euro savings potential are available.

The sounds per flight, not by much, for the European market, Eurocontrol has calculated that, so 265 million euros (about 290 million Swiss francs) will be saved. The cost to transport the additional kerosene – 286’000 tons per year and the additional CO2 – certificates must be purchased in the air transport sector are included.

At the “fuel ring” will be filled the aircraft tanks at start, with more kerosene than is needed, so that the Destination is not the more expensive the fuel tank must be. Image: Keystone/Steffen Schmidt

The study comes to the conclusion that the airlines will take advantage in the highly competitive market, any potential savings, so this “fuel tank ring”. The but leads to an enormous additional CO2 emissions, such as Eurocontrol has also calculated: 901’000 tons. This corresponds to nearly the emissions of the city of Zurich (around 1 Million tons in 2018), or Basel (740’000 tonnes in 2016) and Bern (about 725 000 tonnes in 2018).

time-saving effect not

attributed to The Eurocontrol study has limitations, but only to the additional emissions of CO2 probably less calculated than it actually is. So was, for example, that Airlines on short distance routes, also known as kerosene for several Airline stock can refuel.

Also, the time-saving effect was not calculated included: the aircraft Has enough fuel for the round trip, and does not need to be refueled at the destination. This shortens the Turnaround time, the passengers early boarding, the machine quickly departing. Airlines have to pay less fees and be able to utilize in the best case, the aircraft through the whole day better.

This “fuel tank ring” for operational reasons, it is practiced primarily by low-cost airlines. To fly with a plump full Tank of fuel through Europe, because at the destination, the kerosene is more expensive, but also in the so-called quality airlines, as the BBC shows (programme “Panorama” today at 21.30 PM on BBC 1). And this is according to a survey conducted by Eurocontrol, in 90 percent of cases, the true reason for the “fuel tank ring”.

“This is hypocritical”

British Airways-founded the practice with “significant price differences between the European airports”. It was in the industry, but absolutely common. Also Easyjet to the “fuel tank ring,” he stresses, though, that you have this reduced in the last few years.

The BBC received through a Whistleblower, details of the practices of British Airways. So there are made on the one hand, great efforts, in order to reduce the weight. The rich, to the use of lighter paper for the in-flight magazine. At the same time we have seen, however, that up to six tonnes in excess kerosene to be transported. “This is hypocritical,” says the Insider to the behavior of the airline. “British Airways can save a little money, it also emits considerably more CO2.”

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A concrete example shows how a plane of the Airline was to Italy nearly three tonnes of fuel more at the Destination less refueling. British Airways have saved less than £ 40, around 50 francs. For 600 kilograms of CO2 have been initiated in addition to.

In the current political environment, with the rise of the Greens and the climate movement in the world, with “Fridays for Future”-a day of demonstrations in Europe, if you have also noticed in the case of British Airways, that this behavior will probably not be well received. Willie Walsh, CEO of parent company IAG, which also includes the Spanish Iberia, not to be compared to the “Guardian” that this is the right way, even if the financial incentive is given.

In Glasgow, the kerosene, for example, was 25 percent more expensive, says Walsh, this is why turning on flights where the “fuel tank ring”. The practice will be applied in the whole group, now consider the but again: “We must ask ourselves whether this is sustainable and whether we should include the impact on the climate also.”

Willie Walsh is the CEO of the British Airways parent group IAG, and that the impact on the climate are not included in the “fuel tank ring”. Picture: Reuters

The “fuel tank ring” is contrary to the protestations of the industry that you can take efforts to reduce CO2 emissions. The global climate protection agreement Corsia, to compensate for the emissions gradual, for example. This is, however, up to 2027 is still voluntary, and only the growth has to be from 2020 mandatory balanced.


increase questioned The Eurocontrol has for your report, pilots and airport employees. The results showed that around 30 per cent of all intra-European flights are with too much kerosene on the road, half of which no longer needs to refuel for the return flight. The Organisation has, therefore, in their report, that the Airlines should work on Collective protection (the”fuel hedging”) to get to all airports of a single kerosene price. Otherwise, the costs for CO2-certificates or taxes will not have to be increased on fuels, so that the practice for the airlines is worth it.

would consume Less kerosene in addition, if the air traffic in Europe is co-ordinated unit, as it is the core concern of the Eurocontrol. The would wait reduce the times between the flight safety zones of the various countries and territories, what is today, one of the reasons for the Chaos in the sky with many additional loops Waiting in the air and delays at many European airports.

The air travel in, from and to Europe has emissions globally, with a share of around 35 per cent of the total CO2. At the top of the USA and China, where the air traffic between North America and Asia (the Middle East) is alone for 55 percent responsible.

Created: 11.11.2019, 16:30 PM