With just twelve weeks left until the Brexit hovering the united kingdom still in total suspense about what will take place on 29 march.

Prime minister Theresa Mays plan has gone wrong. No one seems happy with it utträdesavtal as her government for nearly two years – and in big trouble – have negotiated with the EU. The chance that the proposal will win support in next week’s crucial vote in the british parliament is considered as small.

Plan B? Any such does not exist.

than a bad agreement, ” said Theresa May, early in the Brexitprocessen. And a avtalslöst exit is what will happen, by legal default, if no other roads will be opened within the coming months.

But her government dismisses now as ”no deal”option as a katastrofscenario. The minister of economic affairs Greg Clark hit a week, and that it should not even be considered.

a crash out of the EUROPEAN union would bring worse consequences than the financial crisis also determines the central bank, the Bank of England. The british GDP could fall by 8 per cent, according to estimates from november of last year.

– Their track record is poor in this area, ” says Roger Bootle, chairman of consulting firm Capital Economics.

avtalslös Brexit is the most likely of the options that the british are now facing.

He also believes that it would be best for the country.

It is no secret that Bootle, who has a background in London’s banking world, is Brexitentusiast. He voted for an exit, writes regular columns in the conservative The Telegraph, and has authored the book ”Making a success of Brexit”.

Would the Frankfurt threaten London as a financial centre? Forget it!

During his Visit, he will speak on the fund manager Skagen nyårskonferens, where the company’s customers have bänkat to listen to the new investors.

– Would the Frankfurt threaten London as a financial centre? Forget it!

the Replicas, attracting laughter from the audience.

Theresa May made mistakes early in the Brexitprocessen. The formal utträdesproceduren started quickly, without preparation. The government in London laid then flat and gave, according to Bootle, representations that it instead should have saved as tiles in förhandlingsspelet with Brussels.

– the Uk has lost much credibility. The rest of the world must think we are complete idiots.

What can the consequences be if the country will leave the EU, end all collaborations curtly and turns to the WTO (world trade organization rules, but other transitional agreement?

Roger Bootle spontaneous answers is that no one really knows.

– There is complete uncertainty, both about the way the Uk now takes and what it means for the economy. But my view on it is that it is not going to be particularly horrible, and nor does it need to be so long-lasting.

of the british companies doing business in the EU. A small part of the country’s GDP is dependent on trade with Europe.

The duties which are liable to be introduced between the EU and the Uk later in the spring is also ”small potatoes”.

– the Usefulness of the EU’s internal market is excessive. Look at north America, or Asia. Where you have tightly integrated supply chains, in spite of the various currencies and without the internal market.

it would be chaos and stop at the border where all the trucks suddenly have to be cleared in customs, he debunks that fear-mongering.

– When you ask the large ports, they say that you only inspect a few percent of all shipments from countries outside the EU. This risk is greatly overrated.

the Companies cry out yet on the news.

”intolerable,” said the aircraft manufacturer Airbus ceo Tom Enders in a speech on Wednesday. He, and many others, now appeal to the uk parties to find a solution that avoids the ”no deal”.

the Government is preparing, in turn, by buying in refrigeration and hoard drugs. The military stands ready to mobilise on 29 march.

– this will not come as a lightning from a clear sky. We have had time to plan, ” says Roger Bootle.

Read more: This happens if the Uk crashes out of the EUROPEAN union