– the notice of termination of 4,500 people, as much as one-third of the Employment 13.500 employees, was presented on Wednesday morning at 09.00, in the exact same minute as the parliament began its partiledardebatt. In addition, the same day as the state Arbetsmarknadsutredningen presented their recommendations.
– the public Employment service’s director-general Mikael Sjöberg thought obviously that it seemed to be an appropriate day to target sökljuset a little extra against förmedlingens future and place on the political agenda, in order to draw attention to the agency’s financial and organizational problems faced.
” the Conservatives and the christian democrat budgetreservation which was voted through in the beginning of december to cut back förmedlingens administrative resources significantly. And even if uppsägningsförhandlingar starts now directly involves long periods of notice to the concerned first stop at the earliest in late October/november and until then continue to cost the authority money. Which means that the employment service with the landscape budget will have to pick the home, the entire savings during the last two months.
– In mid-december introduced the director-general Mikael Sjöberg in the arbetsmarknadsutskott for the agency’s precarious position. He requested an extension of the authority’s anslagskredit, which at least before januariavtalet on 11 January had been able to shrink the notice something. But an answer has not come from the government. So now came the notice, and then in the upper end of the range Mikael Sjöberg talked about before christmas.
– There are too many conflicting requirements and processes and in the employment office right now:
– first, is going on since 2014 the public Employment service’s own internal reorganisation, which usually go under the name of Förnyelseresan. It has meant, among other things, that the agency should invest more on their own arbetsgivarkontakter, while more meetings are digitized and a hundred branch offices so far has been shut down. Förnyelseresan was scheduled to run until 2021.
– For the second cut budgetreservationen from the Moderates and the Christian democrats before christmas large holes in both administrative resources and in verksamhetsbudget. No new money has not been granted.
– thirdly, the spikes 73-punktsöverenskommelsen between S, MP, C, and L is a radical reshaping of the employment service according to The centre party privatiseringsmodell. From 2021, all brokering and matching managed by independent entities, mainly private enterprises.
– fourth, was presented during the onsdagseftermiddagen also the national enquiry in two and a half years, thought about the future of Offices. The investigator put down the foot hard over the idea of a full-scale privatisation: the counter with the spirit of the januariavtalet beats Cecilia Fahlberg determined that the evidence is lacking for the private providers would achieve better results than the employment itself. Fahlbergs recommendation is that until further notice, to allow the employment service to continue to perform a part of the support and the matching itself, in addition to the private companies. In addition to the investigator increase the Employment powers to formulate its own business.
– It can not fully know. A question is whether the government will try to get the C and L to go along with a reformlinje more after the liquidator’s recipe, without full-scale privatization of the brokering services.
– Now jättevarslet be negotiated with the local union, departments of Union ST and Akademikerfacket SSR. It is not certain that in the end will be exactly the 4500 as is said up, but certainly there will be many, if not additional money promised from the government. But some such there will be hardly.
– Some offices may be closed, which will lead to problems for both job seekers and redundant workers to employment, especially in rural areas.
– Both in cities and in sparsely populated areas, will the public employment service in the coming year to be relatively introverted, focused on its own bantningsprocess. Resources are shrinking gradually. Some of the country’s 242 offices will be closed. It fits poorly in the time, then the redundancies of the redundancies the next year is expected to begin to increase over large parts of the labour market.