In the trade dispute with the USA, built in China, a further threat: Beijing, announced to restrict the export of Rare earths in the United States. That would meet the High-Tech industry and also Germany.

In its trade war with the United States has threatened China with a shortage of the Rare earths. A high government official and state media made it clear that China could use the important High-Tech-metals as a weapon in the trade conflict and in the fight against the actions of the USA against the Telecom giant Huawei. “Don’t say afterwards we didn’t warn you”, – wrote in the party organ “people’s daily”.

First US President, Trump aggravated the trade war with special duties and the action against China’s telecoms giant Huawei is now China gets thinner.

Key raw materials for High-Tech industries

experts warned that the shortage of supply is also a strong impact on Germany and the world economy. China is the world’s largest producer. The 17 metals that includes neodymium, lanthanum and Cerium, are particularly used in the High-Tech industry – such as Smartphones, Computer screens and other electrical devices or wind turbines and cars. The United States receive 80 percent from China.

unlike the Name suggests, the Rare earths are not so rare, but their removal is very time-consuming and harmful to the environment. A shortage of supply would have economic “fatal effects” for the world, warned the Institute of German economy (IW) in Cologne, and spoke of China’s “raw material-Mace in the trade dispute”. Since 2011, Rare earths are on the list of critical raw materials for the EU. The European Federation of States, is completely reliant on imports from outside. A scarcity would have, among other things, the prices are on the rise.