cyclists should be allowed to turn according to the will of the General German Bicycle club (ADFC) in the future, also in Red on the right. “We are calling for a green arrow just for cyclists,” said spokeswoman Stephanie crown before the start of the 57. German traffic court tags in Goslar. There it is, among other things, the risks to which they are exposed to cars, pedestrians and cyclists by turning load.
A road sign on the free right turn on Red for cyclists block traffic turning each wheel, would be the crown said. The nationwide since 1994, the current green arrow for vehicles to bring against risks for the safety of cyclists and pedestrians, because many drivers stopped not prescribed.
The Federal highway research Institute (BASt) has announced a pilot project with which you want to test the green arrow is only for cyclists, in cooperation with several cities. Such a pilot trial was “a step in the right direction,” said ADFC spokeswoman for the crown. In the Netherlands, France and Belgium traffic signs had long been in use with great success.
the support of the ADFC receives from the trade Union of police (GdP). “The most dangerous accidents with Bicycle riders in towns and cities are so-called turn-off accidents involving cyclists are under a right abbiegendes vehicle,” said Deputy Federal Chairman Michael Mertens. “Here, the green arrow regulation can make sense. The bike driver is gone, then, when the Truck is turning.“
Also from other experts in the Bicycle Club’s consent. “I can well imagine that as a result, the safety can be increased,” says, for example, the Chairman of the working group traffic law in the German lawyers ‘ Association, Jörg Elsner. “You know, cyclists in front of traffic lights may were overtaking vehicles on the right. If you must, then start first, and not at the same time with the Car, could avoid accidents.“
The green arrow for cyclists would legalize “even today, many cyclists practice the right corners in Red,” said an ADAC spokesman. The Green arrow would allow cyclists to leave the intersection before motor vehicles start moving. For streets without bike lanes or a bike path, the Green arrow, according to the ADAC, however, would be unsuitable, because cyclists weave in and out and then to the right of vehicles passing, and so, a fortiori, in the danger area of the dead angle would go.
automobile club sees Green arrow for cyclists-critical
While the German road safety Council (DVR) are reluctant and first, the results of the BASt study would like to wait and see, the automobile club ACE, a Green arrow is only for cyclists from the outset is critical. “A uniform regime for all road users is preferred. The different treatment provides, however, for confusion and uncertainty in road transport,“ said a spokeswoman.
the Accident research of the insurers (UDV) are skeptical. “A green arrow scheme for cyclists would endanger pedestrians or impede,” said UDV-Director Siegfried Brockmann. A model test is the final assessment still makes sense.
The Federal highway research Institute wants to carry out the trial in Bamberg, Darmstadt, Düsseldorf, Köln, Leipzig, München, Münster, Germany, Reutlingen, and Stuttgart. In the year 2020 will be on the basis of experience, decided whether the green arrow is supposed to only be for cyclists, nationwide introduced or not.
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more Important than the green arrow would be for the ADFC, however, a General improvement in the Cycling Infrastructure. “What we need are wide, separate bike paths in end-to-end networks and so-called protected cross”, said a spokeswoman for the crown. “The bike path is conducted separately and by concrete elements separated from the motor Vehicle roadway around the corner, so that the safe Turn is possible at any time.” (dpa)