the Swedish labour market policies will have to change fundamentally in the next few years. The restructuring is necessary. Despite the fact that the economy is going to fully have large groups is still difficult to enter the labour market.

A closer cooperation between the public employment service and the providers is therefore necessary. If the match is put on the stand-alone players are released innovation and development – just what is needed to successfully move from unemployment and exclusion to jobs and empowerment. Therefore, the agreement reached between the social democrats, the green Party, the Centre party and the Liberals are absolutely right.

But Heike Erkers and Britta Lejon writing to the public employment service has a bad experience of the GOODNESS and the lack of independent entities with specialized expertise. None of this is true.

of Course, this model can be further developed, for example, with the authorization of the suppliers and resultatersättning, but the foundation is there to build on.

furthermore, the expertise is among the suppliers. An example is the efforts of our member companies are doing for groups that have difficulty entering the labour market: new arrivals with low education and persons with disabilities. Providers of these services has both the knowledge required and a business that is specialized to help these people to get a job.

But there are dangers on the road. In the article highlights Erkers and the Lion the allocation for active efforts is not in line with the ambitions in the area. This is also our image.

Around the country, signals that the employment service does not have enough resources to assign the unemployed to the service Support and match (STOM).

One reason is the cuts in the government budget which the riksdag adopted for 2019. Another reason is that a larger part of the resources for subsidized employment services.

We now see a development where several providers have been forced to close down its activities. Thousands of teachers and other staff redundant and leaving the industry. It is an enormous waste of resources and a great risk. The government and the public employment service may soon be without service providers if the development continues. The biggest losers will be all the unemployed who no longer can get a bet which gives them a foot into the labour market.

One way is to give the employment agency a greater opportunity to redistribute money between different funds, for example, between the introduction compensation and aktivitetsstödet. The reform is ”free” – the government do not need to shoot some new resources. There is something strange with the employment service left back 1.7 billion to the state last year at the same time as the authority was forced to make cuts on the active efforts lead to jobs.

A more effective Employment services working in close partnership with the providers who perform training and matching services is the answer to integrationsproblematiken, skills shortages and unemployment.