Not only are the streets, in buses, trams and S-Bahn is soon nothing more. “In the cities we are overcrowded,” said Ingo Wortmann, President of the Association of German transport companies (VDV), in Berlin on Wednesday. Without an Expansion of the infrastructure, the increase in the number of driving no longer cope with guests in public transport (PT).

The modernization and expansion requirements inhibits the growth of the backlog of Investment in urban public TRANSPORT is spent in the meantime at around five billion euros.

passenger numbers continue to rise

In the past year, 10.4 billion as customers went according to VDV with buses and trains. Although the growth in 2018 decreased slightly to 0.6 percent, and passenger numbers increased, but already in the 21st century. Year in a row.

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to order, on Average, 138 Times by the Germans in the past year were on the Bus. “This shows the importance of public TRANSPORT and should be taken into account in future policy decisions,” said VDV-President Wortmann.
€ 1.11 cost of travel in public TRANSPORT, on average, for the single ticket is 2.65 euros had to be paid. With almost a total of 13 billion euros, the transport companies were 1.3 percent more than in the previous year. For the further development of the prices and passenger Ingo Wortmann wanted to pay not set. “We don’t know, this is increasingly a political issue.” The tariffs would rise “moderately”.

Against the Background of demands for a subsidised or even free public transport Wortmann warned that a sharp increase in passport is no longer cope act. The Considerations were mainly due to the climate protection targets of the Federal government, to contribute to the transport.

More investment is needed

The ticket revenue to be an important building block for the financing of the system, said Wortmann. For new routes, stops and all train stations significantly more be necessary from the taxpayers and of companies that benefited from the development of public TRANSPORT. With a corresponding charge to the employer (“employer tax”) have made the city of Vienna, for example, good experiences.
According to calculations by the VDV, but this could be due to increased public investment, especially in infrastructure, a significant contribution to climate protection. Through a bunch of instruments, including the rail freight traffic, could be around 15 million tonnes of CO2 saved. Alone 20 percent of the necessary savings in the transport sector would be up to 2030.

electric buses are still rare

the electrification of The public Bus transport is progressing slowly. Because there is on the market hardly offers, be Diesel buses until further notice, a reasonable Alternative, said Wortmann. The manufacturer would have made during the latest Euro 6 exhaust emission standard also your homework, the NOx emissions would in part to the level of the Car.

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Only about 100 of 35,000 buses are fully electric, on-the-go, for 630 further funding decisions. The urban transport companies complain about the high costs and long delivery times of several years. The German manufacturer would have to be more competitive, otherwise, Chinese Bus manufacturers have made the race. A high level of investment in the infrastructure will not be overcome without a long-term public support, warned of the VDV – President.