the Site has given the impression of being a government agency and, therefore, misled the consumers. This has been about services that are linked to utrikesvistelser, such as föräldramedgivande for traveling with children.

in a press release that it is permitted to charge for a service that elsewhere is not cost anything, but the sender must be clear to the consumer. On write COW that looks very serious on that consumers can not rely on who is the sender of the marketing.

’If consumers are misled to believe that they have come to an authority, and instead end up with another player that requires paid for the services, it is very important to urgently bring an end to this. In addition to the consumer affected by the unexpected and unnecessary costs, it can upset the confidence of the authorities and state activities.’

the Mood was submitted to the Patent and market court on February 21. KO insists that the man should pay a market disruption fee of 10,000, and additional compensation for costs incurred in the case referred to at a later time.

Read more: COW urges consumers to complain – for the environment

Read more: misleading Consumers about the eco-friendly plastic bags