Donald Trump has wanted this Tuesday to bring the episode of the assassination of the saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a resident of the united States and a columnist for The Washington Post, to say that the surrounding circumstances “may not be known ever.” The president of the united canlı casino oyunları states defends itself in a statement the strategic priority, both in foreign policy as in the domestic economy, which gives the relation with its “great ally” Saudi Arabia. Declaring his unwavering allegiance to the crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, who has “denied vigorously any knowledge of the plan to run to the journalist,” the president confirms, that gives more credibility to the version of the strong man of the saudi regime than to the information of their own intelligence services, that placed him behind the plot that ended with the quartering, in the saudi embassy in Turkey, the journalist and critic of the regime.

The release of Trump comes after the republican to say that this Tuesday I would receive a full report, drawn up by his Government, about the murder of Khashoggi on 2 October. Previously the CIA, according to information from The Washington Post, had come to the conclusion that the crown prince was the one who ordered the journalist’s death. “King Salman and crown prince Mohamed bin Salman deny vigorously any knowledge Betmatik of the planning or execution of the murder of Khashoggi. Our intelligence agencies continue to evaluate all of the information, but it could very well be that the crown prince had knowledge of this tragic event. Maybe it did and maybe not!”, the president says in the statement.

MORE INFORMATION The CIA concludes that the crown prince arabia ordered the death of journalist Khashoggi Trump’s challenges to the CIA and reiterates its confidence in the saudi prince A funeral without a body to ensure that fired Jamal Khashoggi

In a text neat in exclamations, led by the expression “¡America first!” followed by the phrase “The world is a very dangerous place!”, Trump devotes the first three of the eight paragraphs to list the advantages for the united States of their good relationship with Saudi Arabia. The desert kingdom is “a great ally in our very important fight against Iran”, he explains, and “has agreed to spend billions of dollars to lead the fight against the terrorism of radical islam.”

next, Trump explains that Riyadh has committed to invest 450,000 million dollars in the united States, 110.000 million of them in purchase of weapons. “An amount of money record,” he explains. “If you naively we cancel these contracts, Russia and China would be the huge benefit”, he warns. Therefore, concluded the president, “the united States intends to remain a strong partner of Saudi Arabia to ensure the interests of our country”.

in Anticipation of the very likely criticism that will come from the Capitol, where they are apprised of laws that seek to punish Saudi Arabia, republican cautions: “I Understand that there are members of Congress who, for political reasons or otherwise, want to go in another direction, and they are free to do so. I will take into consideration any ideas that I present, but only if they are consistent with the absolute security of the united States”.