decide The US Federal reserve this evening on your further monetary policy. President Trump made in advance of the meeting pressure and demanded a reduction in interest rates.

It is unusual for a US President to intervene so frequently in the interest rate policy of the US Central Bank. Donald Trump urged the Federal Reserve yesterday, via Twitter, to cut interest rates by one percentage point, and by means of additional bonds, the monetary policy purchases to loosen again.

“off like a rocket”

Literally, Trump wrote that America go it well with its present economic growth of 3.2 percent. But with lower interest rates and low Inflation America’s economy and the Potential have to come off “like a rocket”.

Trump criticized on several occasions that the current level of key interest rates of 2.25 percent to 2.5 percent mountains, the danger, the booming economy for the wealthy, and thus to jeopardize his re-election in the coming year.

In another Tweet, Trump, the US-based Bank, recommended as a guide to China: China is stimulating its economy and leave interest rates low.

Trumps influence problematic

For U.S.-based Bank-in-chief Jerome Powell the influence from the White house is problematic. The Federal Reserve has already adopted a further increase in the key interest rates. Powered by Trump the demands for interest-rate increase at the Wall Street reductions. This would boost share prices further.

US Central Bank chief Jerome Powell the regular intervention of the US President in the interest-rate policy.

Trump calls U.S. Central Bank to reduce interest rates on
Martin Ganslmeier, ARD Washington
01.05.2019 09:50 PM

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US Central Bank’s key interest rate is raising, in spite of Trump’s criticism, 19.12.2018 US Central Bank, the Fed raises key interest rate again, 21.03.2018 Trump calls for interest rate cut, Martin Ganslmeier, ARD Washington |audio Atlas |USA |Washington D. C.
