Uber driver self-employed or employees? This is the Central issue in a dispute between the company out of California, unions and authorities in all over the world. Uber argues that they merely arranged trips. Critics say, however, the drivers are false self-employed, which is why Uber hiring the driver and paying for social services have.

The trade Union Unia has, of all things, what would About his Swiss riders debts. It is between 63 and 99 million Swiss francs are annually, such as the Unia-transport responsible novel Künzler explains, on the basis of a concrete estimate at a media conference. Since About 2013 has been started in Switzerland, is the sum according to the Unia, up to half a billion Swiss francs.

Uber: “There is no employment relationship”

According to the trade Union is going to lose also the public money. The Swiss social insurance in accordance with the Unia miss-information every year, around 20 million Swiss francs in contributions from Employees and employers. For the six years, the Uber is active in Switzerland, summed up this amount according to the Union of over 100 million Swiss francs.

Uber defends himself against the accusation of bogus self-employment and informs, you only want to partner contracts with the people using the platform, and rides to offer. In a statement, the company writes: “We are convinced that without the work obligation can be no employment relationship.”

“for years, drivers in Switzerland are self-employed. The drivers who use the Uber App, they are entirely free when and how you want to use them,” explains a spokeswoman. This flexibility and freedom is what value the driver the most. “We will work to preserve it and to improve simultaneously the protection of self-employed in Switzerland”, said the spokesperson.

the Inferior insurance coverage and wage pressure

According to Professor Kurt Pärli, University of Basel platform-Employees need to apply in the rule as an employee. He has clarified this issue in the context of his study, “labor and social security legal issues in the Sharing Economy”. According to Pärli makes it for the driver of a big difference, whether you are working as self-employed or employee: insurance coverage for employees is significantly more comprehensive. In addition, the spread of platform-employment conditions, according to the study, also to wage pressure.

Uber writes, you understand that the issue of social security of the driver for the Switzerland of large importance. “We are of the view that flexibility and social protection do not exclude themselves.” In addition, a proposal from the compensation of their chauffeurs transparent: average merit of a driver with the App is 26.81 Swiss francs per hour. This amount is without the tip, but after deduction of the service fee from Uber. In addition, the driver of the 27 Swiss francs has to pay the cost of his vehicle.

Geneva goes against Uber in front of

in the light of the “dimensions of impact” from Uber in Switzerland, the authorities are not expected to watch, according to the Unia longer and wait for the driver to go to court. The Unia is demanding that the authorities enforce the laws.

the Offensive of the Canton of Geneva is already gone. He decided in November that Uber is an employer and his driver regularly has to make. Uber should continue to adhere to in addition, the cantonal Taxi laws, which is why Geneva has banned Uber, the activities under the current conditions. Uber defends itself but to the administrative court against the Disqualification, which is why the service in Geneva is still active.

Created: 03.12.2019, 14:19 PM