the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Will eventually get a “Central campus” in oberschöneweide? The Vision, to be able to in the Southeast of the city of all your areas of focus, Berlin’s largest University of applied Sciences for a long time. Now the outgoing push at the end of President Klaus Semlinger and his successor is Carsten Busch the Senate to finally take action.
“The decision should soon fall,” said Bush on Monday in the science Committee of the house of representatives. “Other investors in the Area to be restless, to rise the Rent, and when the BER opens, the pressure will rise more. Maybe the city the move at some point no longer provide.“
the HTW is located in two locations
the HTW with a total of 14,000 students and 300 professors is located at two sites. Most parts are already accommodated on the Campus Wilhelminenhof in oberschöneweide, which was opened in 2009. A part of the higher education institution has its seat but still in the Treskowallee in Karlshorst. In Semlingers term planning has been driven to a concentration in oberschöneweide. “All that sitting in Karl Horst, want to go there now,” said Semlinger in the Committee. Reasons he called many. Since only the surfaces, the absence of the University would not be. The Area in Oberschöneweide – from here, the AEG is once in the world – is to be upgraded.
Thomas Niemeyer, until recently, regional Manager Schöneweide of the Adlershof Development Agency Wista, called the Campus Adlershof as a role model. The conditions for the development of a successful technology Park to be given already now. “There is in Oberschöneweide is not a company that is not cooperating with the University of applied Sciences.” The memorial activist Elisabeth Ziemer compared the importance of the project with the recent adoption of a revival of the Siemens city.
The project would have 200 to 250 million Euro cost
The University would need when moving around 38,000 square foot addition. It was in the part of the University of applied Sciences used Peter-Behrens-Bau, a listed industrial building with an iconographical tower. Discussions with the owner to lead for a long time, said Semlinger to prefer Expansion.
200 to 250 million would be the cost of the project, said science Secretary of state Steffen noise. As the representatives of all the parties to crash, praised the science Committee of the plans. “This is also for urban development policy as a convincing overall concept.” How to get the funds together, should be in the Senate, discussed: “This is a common task in many departments.”
More about
elections to Berlin’s largest University of applied Sciences Carsten Busch is> the new President of the University of applied Sciences
Tilmann Warnecke Anja Kühne <p And what would become of the HTW site in Karlshorst? The University proposes to make a school campus – now a number of schools to be found there, in the middle environment.