Valtteri Bottas to improve the pace of the SM-rally on the opening day, but no one can do anything Emil Lindholm.The audio world was right, when Valtteri Bottas thunder was WRC-the car moving in the centre of Rovaniemi. Mikko Hyytiä
shoot the mountain rally on the third special stage the fourth best time. Bottas stayed top of the driver Emil Lindholm quotation of 25 seconds.
F1-star pace accelerating further in the fourth STAGE. M-sport’s Ford Fiestalla driver Bottas was a piece as much as the third fastest. The difference between Lindholmiin though half minutes.
Lindholm has won all of Friday’s stages. The second generation top of the driver’s speed was not able to answer even Bottasta more experienced rally drivers. the Teemu Asunmaa and Juha Salo have been left Lindholm for over a minute.
Bottas and Timo Rautiainen are a mountain rally in the fifth 1:50 from the tip. Bottas a waterfront lot mountain rally is a career-first rally competition. He will run as the only participant of the WRC-car. Stock is superior to others, and Bottas seems to learn the machine’s shenanigans nicely with the rally progresses.
Friday run a total of five special stages. Mountain rally culminated on Saturday.
Valtteri Bottas drive from Rovaniemi breathtaking winter landscape. Stanley Niinimäki/AKK