Kortrijk Francis Rodenbach (44) is Wednesday, unexpectedly died at his home in the Vredelaan. He was from 2012 to 2018 city council member for CD&V (4.0) and was for his political career very popular as gebiedswerker in the south of Kortrijk. Francis, C # for the friends, got thirty years on crutches around because he had only one leg. “Rather one leg than a bad character”, he said, there are always about. Just to say what a great guy Francis was. Someone who are disabled not as a limitation tried.

“It occurs to me that complete strangers see me in a full store inappropriate to ask how I my right leg, am kwijtgespeeld. I tell a fictional story about an incident with a crocodile,” he told often. His right leg was on 11 July 1984 amputated, the only way to bone cancer to beat. He was only 10 years old when. It was hell, but he continued. Everyone was full of praise for his years of perseverance. Film club Impulse made in 2014 ‘# out’, a short film about his life. His humor was matchless. So, he picked up in the run-up to the elections in 2012 are limit fun. Cis was on place 11 in the CD&V. He referred to electoral papers to his amputated right leg, but the half of the second 1 in the number 11 to show, as a number 11 on one leg. “Everyone knows me,” he said.