Liedekerke is The story of Tara, The Convex will leave no one untouched. The 33-year-old-mother from Liedekerke lost her arms and legs after a flesh-eating bacterium. After her testimony, came a wave of solidarity in the Pajottenland. Dozens of collections are currently being put in place, associations are committed to as much money as possible in the drawer.

Tara De Bolle was at the end of december hit by a flesh-eating bacterium. The consequences were disastrous: she lost both her forearms and legs. Family and friends founded npo Heart for Tara to raise money for the purchase of electric prostheses. The benefit was immediately a lot of support to count on. Inhabitants and associations went to work and started massive collections. One of the actions is the sale of scarves by Monile & More of which the proceeds go entirely to ” Heart for Tara. “The sister of Tara is a very good friend of my mother and aunt,” explains Lieselot De Smet from Liedekerke. “I knew what was happen and that hold a huge appeal to me. Therefore played soon the idea of getting something on its feet.” Monile & More offers jewelry and accessories that only via Facebook and Instagram to be sold. “By the name of the benefit and the logo, we thought immediately to the scarves with a hartjesmotief. That for ten euros sold, and the proceeds go to Tara.”