Vincent Ducrot of New cars at the top of the waistband. The 57-Year-old will take up the legacy of Andreas Meyer. This was since 2007 head of the SBB . The Post implies that he is from day one under the close observation. Not more than 32’000 employees of the Federal Railways, but also of the policy and the “railway” of the country of Switzerland. The SBB will not leave anyone cold. Ducrot comes in a troubled Phase in the operation, in which he was once the career ladder under Benedikt Weibel rise. What are the job sites he has to tackle now:

is The shattered trust of customers
The most important currency in the confidence of the customers. It has decreased in the last time. A whole host of reasons, has shaken the relationship of the Swiss to the former national Shrine of SBB. Successes, such as the continuous Expansion of the capacity and the at least stagnant prices, not enabled the problems to outweigh.

Therefore, it is in need of Ducrot especially much and, above all, honest communication. Where should it go, what I want to do, how leidigere issues to be solved? This strategy does not have to be from the beginning, only in the minds of the SBB-peaks present, but you must reach up to the customers.

the confidence of the employees
Only 46 points out of 100 was the confidence in the Management team of the SBB, Andreas Meyer, in an internal evaluation this year. The is weak. In addition, the confidence in the group’s management has declined steadily in recent years. Because you have to be able to grow. Because the calculation is simple: Are the employees satisfied and have confidence in the leadership, has a positive impact on the commuters everyday.

The new trains I
The Bombardier Double-deckers are a vexed issue that will preoccupy Ducrot. On the one hand, to work to ensure that the trains are able to wipe off its bad reputation someday. Since the less help sure of the technical difficulties of the last few weeks. On the other hand, it also clashes with Bombardier because of any penalties, because the trains have been delivered late. And thirdly, the question of whether the SBB is pulling the Option for additional trains of the type arises.

Here’s the new Bombardier Double-deckers still shines. Because of its ongoing technical difficulties, he has lost already to Shine. Photo: Walter Bieri/Keystone,

The new trains II
Not only Double-Decker to be important in the future, but also new Einstöcker for regional transport. This should – as of today – starting in 2023, in the Valais and in the network of Thurbo roles. The order value will be around 3 billion Swiss francs. The future trains will also be more flexible in use. The Federal Railways have to think about whether you want to order vehicles, depending on the location more or less seats can be installed.

Recently, SBB went to potential suppliers, to you arrange. The Background is clear: if You want to avoid a fiasco such as in the case of the Bombardier order, and a lot already in advance clarify. Quite generally, the ordering process will be simplified.

It is said again and again, you whine at a high level, if the punctuality rates of the SBB come under criticism. That’s right: In comparison to other European Railways, the SBB, in spite of the complex Coexistence of international traffic on the Intercity to regional traffic very punctual. But the SBB have other demands on themselves, and you need to measure. And since the Federal government made cars in the past few weeks, not a good impression.

time and again, the SBB have to contend with delays and failures. As here at the main station of Basel. Photo: Nicole Pont

The daily Report of the SBB, in which the data on punctuality from the previous day be published, is regularly under 90 percent. This is the number, which proclaim the SBB always: 9 out of 10 customers arrive on time.

lack of staff
The most serious is the lack of staff with train drivers is. There, it is missing already today on every corner. The result is that Individual trains had to leave the SBB already fail. The railway trade Union SEV emphasized, however, that the Situation was also the case with other professional people is difficult, such as for train crew or maintenance.

Created: 10.12.2019, 11:54 PM