The Federal government’s desired national Bank champion would also close the gap in the international comparison of the ten largest banks in the world. However, the distance to the Chinese would be huge. In terms of market share, the new Bank would continue to be a dwarf.

Deutsche Bank head Christian Sewing at the beginning of February, the Figures for fiscal year 2018 is presented, he mentioned the already circulating speculation about a merger with Commerzbank. Also on pressure from Berlin began talks with the German Bank is subject to the economic logic of a merger.

“We will only pursue economically viable options, which we in our progress by 2018 can continue,” wrote Sewing in a communication to the employees. And further: “The experiences show that there can be many economic and technical reasons that can be opposed to such a step.”

size is not everything p class=”text small”> <in fact, just the 2008 merger between Commerzbank and Dresdner Bank together shown that size is not a guarantee for higher profits. Sustainably higher market share, not generate. Quite to the contrary.

market share of banks in Germany

a colossus, with 38 million customers and 130,000 employees would, in the case of a merger, but the dominance of the savings banks, public banks and foreign banks in the German market would change nothing. In business with private customers, the merged Bank would be only to just under 20 percent. A competitive risk in the sense of an oversized dominance would arise.

Soon again among the Top Ten?

In international comparison, could be pleased the Federal government is a Champion, would be measured in the balance sheet total, to ascend again to the world’s ten largest banks. Currently, the Deutsche Bank ranked 15. At times she had slipped even on place 17. Commerzbank plays in this rank order does not matter, they come just once on place 59.

banks in an international comparison

the Deutsche Bank was already far above. 2012, so seven years ago, she enrolled in the world’s third place, behind China’s ICBC and the British HSBC. However, like many other institutions, it had to rid its balance sheet of the many risks of bad loans and opaque derivatives, clean-up, and significantly slim down. So they fell back in an international comparison.

Chinese are among the first four

Now sorted in the international ranking. Four of the world’s largest banks are from China, the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, which is with a balance sheet of over four trillion dollars is the impregnable number one. With views of the value of the brand, the Chinese dominance is even more obvious: Five of the ten most valuable banking brands come from China.

Further course information, to Deutsche Bank

for More course information to Commerzbank

came in Last, only three of the ten largest banks in the world from Europe, including two from France, the BNP Paribas and Credit Agricole (CA). Both owe their present size by the way of mergers and Acquisitions.

So the private-customer-oriented, BNP has acquired in the year 2000, the commercial Bank Paribas. Also, the Crédit Agricole, the world’s number ten in the banking market, owes its greatness to a Takeover of Crédit Lyonnais, today under the abbreviation LCL active on the market. A Fusion between the German and the Commerzbank would be expected to displace CA from the Ranking of the first ten.

Here it is just a question of size

view The examples that can succeed in the closing of banks and not, as in the case of the Takeover of Dresdner Bank by Commerzbank in a fiasco. However, they also make the differences to Germany. The local Acquisitions were always complementary, the BNP increased only by the Acquisition of the trade and business Bank Paribas is a universal Bank. And the Crédit Agricole was keen to improve with the help of Crédit Lyonnais, his hitherto weak presence in the major cities.

in Contrast, in the case of the Berlin Finance Ministry intended merger between Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank to sheer size. In addition, the operations of the two banks. Only Commerzbank would win thanks to the investment banking division of Deutsche Bank. High savings in information technology could, in the medium term to realize – this is at the expense of tens of thousands of jobs.

the New merger rumors in Europe

This could be the size advantage quickly. In the past year, media reported about a possible merger of UniCredit, the largest Italian credit institution, and France’s Société Générale. The two banks would rise to a similar size as the two German institutions.

In England, there were rumors of a merger of Barclays and Standard Chartered. In the USA, a larger merger is also. There, BB&T and SunTrust want to go together and would belong to each of the largest six us banks. It is therefore not a surprise that the Deutsche Bank chief, Christian Sewing was the only subject to merger talks.

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