Strong snowfalls have led on Saturday to the loss of 120 flights at the Munich airport. About seventy flights with delays of more than an hour and about seventy flights with delays of about a half to a full hour, as a spokesperson for the second largest German airport, on request said. In Munich there are for the night to Saturday, ongoing snow showers.

the airport spokeswoman said, need to be de-iced all the planes, what was a reason for the disabilities. In addition, at the airport, with its two country only a train tracks because of the constant Clearance for take-offs and landings at the orders. In addition, the air traffic control has become more restricted, due to the visibility of the air traffic.

Continuous snowfall especially in the southern part have turned Bavaria into a winter landscape. For the edge of the Alps and the Bavarian forest and the German weather service (DWD) issued on Saturday a severe weather warning: There were still cases of heavy snow and snow drifts are expected.

Until Monday, it could also in the deeper layers of up to 50 centimetres of snow, in the Chiemgau and Berchtesgaden Alps even up to one Meter. In the mountains there was a lot of avalanche spread risk. Also in the black forest and the Swabian Alb, the DWD expected at times of strong snowfall. On the roads and the rails remained in place until the Saturday morning, mostly quiet. “It is Winter. It’s snowing. Something dramatic has not happened so far,“ said a spokesman for the location centre in Munich. Motorists had set, apparently, on the snow; Chaos on the streets, remained for the time being.

The railway reported its first no failures

“so far We have around 25 accidents because of the smooth streets,” said a spokeswoman for the police of upper Bavaria South in the Morning. In upper Franconia slipped on the snow-A9 smooth several trucks in the guard rail. At times it went ahead on snow-covered streets only at a walking pace. In Baden-Württemberg, slipped on the A81 in Villingen-Schwenningen a truck into the guard rail. The Truck came across the highway. According to initial information, the driver was slightly injured.

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The railway in Bavaria, reported no major disturbances. “Overall, the traffic is stable,” said a spokesman. On its website, the train called on their passengers prior to departure to inform about the Connections, such as on the Internet. The impact of the snow on the rail transport cannot be ruled out””. The DWD according to the Wind on Saturday could be Parts of Germany to create. The meteorologists predicted stiff to stormy gusts of wind for the North sea region for the highlands and parts of southern Germany. In the summit of some mountains and the Alps were squalls are possible. For the North and North-East of Germany, the DWD expected on Saturday with no rain, occasional cloud gaps. Otherwise it should be cloudy or overcast and rainy widespread. (Tsp, dpa)