Finnish skier scored a season-best performance, but even that was not enough for three of them.I saw Toni last penny petiole Krista Pärmäkoskea before the Seefeld world cup.

coach Matti Haavisto said the Tour de Skillä that the protégé kilpailuvire is 90%. Pärmäkoski was the tour’s third. Central Europe was missing half a dozen of the world’s top.

on Tuesday the Seefeld world championships of the traditional ten was Pärmäkosken head trip.

Finn was event four.

it was Now 10 per cent found condition. My peak fitness was in this, Pärmäkoski download disturbing information.

Haavisto was on the same line.

– Yes it season’s best skiing was, and instruments played. Everything Krista was able to track leave, but the others have improved, Haavisto said.

Pärmäkoski has been this season in the world cup only once on the podium.

the Seefeld world championships have left a message and three tens free.

Pärmäkosken the aim of Austria is one personal medal.

Krista Pärmäkoski was the fourth woman in the traditional ten Tuesday Seefeldissä. PASI LIESIMAAIL