Yoga, Meditation, mindfulness, and Wellness boom in the company . Over ten years ago Mindfulness was Guru and former molecular biologist Jon Kabat-Zinn at Google courses in MBSR “Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction”. This method, which takes elements from the Buddhist doctrine, is to reduce Stress through mindfulness.

Apple, meanwhile, opened their own health clinics, which can only benefit your employees. Advertised a job was as a “Behavioural Health Partner”. This should help patients to improve health and well-being through sustained behavior change.

meditation and mindfulness courses

The Trend is also spilling out in Switzerland is over. More and more companies aim to improve the mental and physical well-being of their employees. Google offers its employees according to “20 minutes” in Zurich, meditation classes and a meditation room. Even when energy service providers, Axpo, Swisscom and Helsana, there is mindfulness offers.

the reason for the increase of relaxation and well-being rates, the rise in stress-related failures in the work is life. According to an evaluation of the health insurance provider, Swica, the number of sick-leave has within the case of Swiss companies five years to 20 percent increased. Particularly strong are the failures due to mental disorders increased. Here is the Plus within five years is 35 percent.

“Stop that revised people burn out completely”

Now, have Offered two economic professors, the Trend to relaxation classes, and Wellness in the company in a Blog entry in question. “Do we really Like to operate in the evenings, mindfulness training, and at the same time continue the constant daily Stress at work cope?”, Manfred Kets de Vries, Professor of Leadership Development and Organisational Change at the French business school Insead, and Katharina Balazs, Professor at the business school ESCP Europe write in a Blog entry. They also criticize Detox treatments, expensive Retreats, which are also under the managers, is very popular, and other supposedly health-promoting measures.

It would be useful to the pursuit of well-being and a healthier lifestyle – both at home as well as in the workplace. “The true well-being but as a state of mind considered”, according to the authors. And you ask: “If a company with a competitive culture to introduce Wellness programs, your goal is really to change the lives of the employees? Or is this mostly serves to prevent that the revised people to burn out completely?” In companies where people have experienced a real well-being, whether this has always been part of the companies DNA and not just a fad.

“Many of the organizations of fear and Paranoia by

company moved to recognize” with such a DNA in the fact that employees enthusiastically to your work table to recommend, declare Kets de Vries and Balazs. This is a clear sign that the Organisation care for the well-being of the employees.

Two aspects are according to the authors, in addition, important so that the well-being of employees can be promoted within a company. For one, this is a climate of confidence. “Trust means that people treat each other with mutual respect, with integrity, and that fair processes are, of course,” they write. Unfortunately, too many organizations fear and Paranoia are attracted “by”. The creativity to stay on the track and also the well-being.

on The other Coaching of Teams is an important aspect, in order to promote the well-being of all. A Coaching culture to encourage people to knowledge sharing, employees feel more connected.

“Without a basis just a waste of money”

but that does not mean that you should throw all the Wellness programs on Board, according to the authors. Without the above-mentioned other components, such as trust and a Coaching culture, these were worth nothing and verkämen to another Management fashion. “The world is already full of imaginary “Quick-Fix” solutions. Executives should be better aware of the fact that if the basics are not present, your expensive Wellness programs is just a waste of money”, so is your conclusion. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 18.01.2019, 13:48 PM