financial experts are less pessimistic on the German economy. The ZEW indicator of economic expectations rose in January to be surprisingly easy. For the all-clear, but it is from the point of view of the professionals there is still much to early. The assessment of the current situation.

With a minus 15.0 points, the Index of the Mannheim centre for European economic research (ZEW) in January, better than expected, which is an increase of 2.5 points compared to December-the third increase in a row. Experts had forecast a decline to Minus 18.4 points.

“It is remarkable that the ZEW indicator of economic sentiment for Germany, given the many global economic risks have continued to deteriorate,” commented because ZEW President Achim Wambach.

as bad as the last 2015

However, The assessment of the economic situation has considerably deteriorated. The corresponding index value of 45.3 fell to 27.5 meters. Thus, the indicator fell for the fourth month in a row. And this is the worst assessment since January 2015.

The analysts noted how the opinions of Helaba in the first position. “The assessment of the situation is… considerably below expectations. Charged the uncertainties are likely to have in terms of ‘Brexit’, trade conflict and ‘government shutdown’.”

Thus also the requirements for the upcoming purchasing managers ‘ indices on Thursday, and the upcoming Ifo business climate index were negative. Hopes for a revival of economic growth would not be revived by the publication of Data.

Dax & co. unmoved

In the financial markets, the reactions were on Tuesday morning. The Dax lost a few points, and tends now slightly negative. The Euro is currently being traded at 1,1360, there was no price reaction.

The centre for European economic research, surveyed on a monthly basis, around 300 analysts and institutional investors about their medium-term expectations for the economy and the capital market development were interviewed. The Index shows the balance of positive and negative assessments of the future economic development in Germany over the coming six months.

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Only very briefly in the Plus crypto: Only one in seven survived the ZEW indicator of economic expectations, not so bad as a …